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"An Inauthentic Georgian Epistle Attributed to Cyril of Alexandria"

Crawford, Matthew; Jashi, Zurab


Matthew Crawford

Zurab Jashi


This article considers the authenticity of a letter attributed to Cyril of Alexandria that survives only in two Georgian manuscripts. This letter stands at the head of a catena of exegetical fragments dealing with the Pauline epistles, and its author claims responsibility for compiling the subsequent collection of extracts from patristic authors. Although its existence has been known since the early twentieth century, and it was included in Cyril's corpus in the Clavis Patrum Graecorum, a critical edition of the letter was only recently published in 2003. We provide the first modern translation of the letter, and argue on the basis of its contents that Cyril was almost certainly not its author.


Crawford, M., & Jashi, Z. (2013). "An Inauthentic Georgian Epistle Attributed to Cyril of Alexandria". Le Muséon, 126(3-4), 369-378.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jan 1, 2013
Deposit Date Oct 17, 2012
Journal Le muséon : revue d'études orientales.
Print ISSN 0771-6494
Electronic ISSN 1783-158X
Publisher Peeters
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 126
Issue 3-4
Pages 369-378
Public URL