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Selecting supersymmetric string scenarios from sparticle spectra

Allanach, B.C.; Grellscheid, D.; Quevedo, F.


B.C. Allanach

D. Grellscheid

F. Quevedo


We approach the following question: if supersymmetry is discovered, how can we select among different supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model? In particular, we perform an analysis of the sparticle spectrum in low-energy string effective theories, asking which observables best distinguish various scenarios. We examine scenarios differing by the fundamental string scale and concentrate on GUT and intermediate scale models. We scan over four parameters (two goldstino angles, tan β and the gravitino mass) in each scenario, finding ratios of sparticle masses that provide the maximum discrimination between them. The necessary accuracy for discrimination is determined in each case. We find that the required accuracy on various sparticle mass ratios is at the few percent level, a precision that may be achieved in future linear colliders. We also map out phenomenologically viable regions of parameter space.


Allanach, B., Grellscheid, D., & Quevedo, F. (2002). Selecting supersymmetric string scenarios from sparticle spectra. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2002(05), Article 048.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jan 1, 2002
Deposit Date Feb 6, 2014
Publicly Available Date Feb 25, 2015
Journal Journal of High Energy Physics
Print ISSN 1126-6708
Electronic ISSN 1029-8479
Publisher Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA)
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 2002
Issue 05
Article Number 048
Keywords Supersymmetry breaking; Beyond standard model; Supersymmetric standard model.
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