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In vitro wear testing of the PyroCarbon proximal interphalangeal joint replacement: Five million cycles of flexion and extension.

Naylor, Andrew; Bone, Martin C.; Unsworth, Anthony; Talwalkar, Sumedh C.; Trail, Ian A.; Joyce, Thomas J.


Andrew Naylor

Martin C. Bone

Anthony Unsworth

Sumedh C. Talwalkar

Ian A. Trail

Thomas J. Joyce


Clinical results of the PyroCarbon proximal interphalangeal joint replacement are inconsistent with various complications reported. To address this, in vitro testing was conducted using finger joint simulators. Two PyroCarbon proximal interphalangeal prostheses were tested in a lubricant of dilute bovine serum to 5 × 106 cycles of flexion–extension (90°–30°) with dynamic forces of 10 N applied. At intervals of 3000 cycles testing ceased and a static load of 100 N was applied to simulate gripping. In addition, two ‘control’ prostheses were immersed alongside the test prostheses to account for lubricant absorption. Wear and roughness averages (Ra) were measured every 1 × 106 cycles. Minimal wear for all of the components was measured with a negligible increase in Ra for most of the components. One condyle of one component increased in Ra over the 5 × 106 cycles with a value above the recommended 50 nm. Unidirectional marks were visible on the condyle from micrographs, consistent with an abrasive wear mode.


Naylor, A., Bone, M. C., Unsworth, A., Talwalkar, S. C., Trail, I. A., & Joyce, T. J. (2015). In vitro wear testing of the PyroCarbon proximal interphalangeal joint replacement: Five million cycles of flexion and extension. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 229(5), 362-368.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 20, 2015
Publication Date 2015-05
Deposit Date Jun 15, 2015
Journal Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine
Print ISSN 0954-4119
Electronic ISSN 2041-3033
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 229
Issue 5
Pages 362-368
Public URL