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Palaeo sea-level and ice-sheet databases: problems, strategies and perspectives

Düsterhus, A.; Rovere, A.; Carlson, A.E.; Barlow, N.L.M.; Bradwell, T.; Clark, J.; Dutton, A.; Gehrels, R.; Hibbert, F.D.; Hijma, M.P.; Horton, B.P.; Klemann, V.; Kopp, R.E.; Sivan, D.; Tarasov, L.; Törnqvist, T.E.

Palaeo sea-level and ice-sheet databases: problems, strategies and perspectives Thumbnail


A. Düsterhus

A. Rovere

A.E. Carlson

N.L.M. Barlow

T. Bradwell

J. Clark

A. Dutton

R. Gehrels

F.D. Hibbert

M.P. Hijma

B.P. Horton

V. Klemann

R.E. Kopp

D. Sivan

L. Tarasov

T.E. Törnqvist


Sea-level and ice-sheet databases are essential tools for evaluating palaeoclimatic changes. However, database creation poses considerable challenges and problems related to the composition and needs of scientific communities creating raw data, the compiliation of the database, and finally using it. There are also issues with data standardisation and database infrastructure, which should make the database easy to understand and use with different layers of complexity. Other challenges are correctly assigning credit to original authors, and creation of databases that are centralised and maintained in long-term digital archives. Here, we build on the experience of the PALeo constraints on SEA level rise (PALSEA) community by outlining strategies for designing a self-consistent and standardised database of changes in sea level and ice sheets, identifying key points that need attention when undertaking the task of database creation.


Düsterhus, A., Rovere, A., Carlson, A., Barlow, N., Bradwell, T., Clark, J., …Törnqvist, T. (2015). Palaeo sea-level and ice-sheet databases: problems, strategies and perspectives. Climate of the past discussions, 11(3), 2389-2404.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 16, 2015
Publication Date Jun 25, 2015
Deposit Date Jul 13, 2015
Publicly Available Date Sep 11, 2015
Journal Climate of the Past Discussions
Publisher Copernicus Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 11
Issue 3
Pages 2389-2404
Public URL


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