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FPGA-Based Reconfigurable Control for Fault-Tolerant Back-to-Back Converter Without Redundancy

Shahbazi, M.; Poure, P.; Saadate, S.; Zolghadri, M.R.

FPGA-Based Reconfigurable Control for Fault-Tolerant Back-to-Back Converter Without Redundancy Thumbnail


P. Poure

S. Saadate

M.R. Zolghadri


In this paper, an FPGA-based fault-tolerant back-to-back converter without redundancy is studied. Before fault occurrence, the fault-tolerant converter operates like a conventional back-to-back six-leg converter, and after the fault, it becomes a five-leg converter. Design, implementation, and experimental verification of an FPGA-based reconfigurable control strategy for this converter are discussed. This reconfigurable control strategy allows the continuous operation of the converter with minimum affection from a fault in one of the semiconductor switches. A very fast detection scheme is used to detect and locate the fault. Implementation of the fault detection and of the fully digital control schemes on a single FPGA is realized, based on a suited methodology for rapid prototyping. FPGA in loop and also experimental tests are carried out, and the results are presented. These results confirm the capability of the proposed reconfigurable control and fault-tolerant structure.


Shahbazi, M., Poure, P., Saadate, S., & Zolghadri, M. (2013). FPGA-Based Reconfigurable Control for Fault-Tolerant Back-to-Back Converter Without Redundancy. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 60(8), 3360-3371.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 10, 2012
Publication Date Aug 1, 2013
Deposit Date Jan 29, 2016
Publicly Available Date Apr 26, 2016
Journal IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
Print ISSN 0278-0046
Electronic ISSN 1557-9948
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 60
Issue 8
Pages 3360-3371
Public URL


Accepted Journal Article (3 Mb)

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