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Minimally invasive thoracoscopically-guided right minithoracotomy versus conventional sternotomy for mitral valve repair: a multicentre randomised controlled trial (UK Mini Mitral)

Akowuah, E.; Hancock, H.; Maier, R.; Kasim, A.; Zacharias, J.; Deshpande, R.; Birdi, I.; Vale, L.; Livesey, S.; Stewart, M.; Murphy, G.

Minimally invasive thoracoscopically-guided right minithoracotomy versus conventional sternotomy for mitral valve repair: a multicentre randomised controlled trial (UK Mini Mitral) Thumbnail


E. Akowuah

H. Hancock

R. Maier

A. Kasim

J. Zacharias

R. Deshpande

I. Birdi

L. Vale

S. Livesey

M. Stewart

G. Murphy


Background and study aims: Heart surgery to repair one of the valves in the heart (the mitral valve) is commonly performed in the NHS. Patients needing this operation sometimes suffer symptoms of shortness of breath (especially when exercising), tiredness, and swollen ankles, caused by the valve becoming leaky (mitral regurgitation). Some patients suffer very few symptoms. These patients are quite often of working age so time away from their place of work can be difficult for a number of reasons. Steps need to be taken to make sure that the operations offered within the NHS are best for patients. To repair the valve, the operation usually involves cutting the breastbone completely (from the collar bone to the bottom of the breastbone); this is called a sternotomy. An operation has been developed which means that the valve can be repaired using a much smaller cut on the side of the chest; this operation is called a mini-thoracotomy. It is not known which operation is better for patients and for the NHS because there is no good research to show what effects two different types of surgery to access the heart and repair the valve have on patients. This study will compare the two operations in four hundred adult patients to see how well they recover and return to normal activities.


Akowuah, E., Hancock, H., Maier, R., Kasim, A., Zacharias, J., Deshpande, R., Birdi, I., Vale, L., Livesey, S., Stewart, M., & Murphy, G. (online). Minimally invasive thoracoscopically-guided right minithoracotomy versus conventional sternotomy for mitral valve repair: a multicentre randomised controlled trial (UK Mini Mitral).

Journal Article Type Article
Online Publication Date Nov 1, 2016
Deposit Date Jan 5, 2017
Publicly Available Date Jan 6, 2017
Journal NIHR Research Project
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Article Number ISRCTN: 13930454
Public URL
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