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Activism across the lifecourse: circumstantial, dormant and embedded activisms

Maynard, N.

Activism across the lifecourse: circumstantial, dormant and embedded activisms Thumbnail


N. Maynard


Focusing on the relationship between activism, the individual and the lifecourse, this paper argues for the importance of conceptualising activism as a dynamic temporal, as well as spatial, process. Transferring Nancy Worth's understanding of youth transitions ‘as becoming’ onto activism, and using empirical research with adults who were involved in organisationally mediated activism as young people, three states of activism are offered and considered: circumstantial, dormant and embedded. Firstly activism that is circumstantial, important in the moment, is shown to play a significant role for young people in making possible multiple potential futures. Exploring these connections between the past and future unsettles the recent (over)emphasis in the studies of children and young people and P/politics, of the ‘here and now’. Secondly, it is argued that when involvement in organisationally mediated activism has finished, these experiences of activism have not ended but are dormant. They may be rejuvenated and curated at a different position in the lifecourse or following a new moment of conscientisation. Thirdly, contributing to a growing body of literature within activist geographies, instances where activism has become embedded in everyday spaces are examined. Complex transitions to adulthood are suggested to contribute to the nature of activism in these spaces. Going beyond the documentation of small-scale activisms, these activisms are also presented as entwined with other scales.


Maynard, N. (2018). Activism across the lifecourse: circumstantial, dormant and embedded activisms. Area, 50(2), 205-212.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 6, 2017
Online Publication Date May 18, 2017
Publication Date Jun 1, 2018
Deposit Date Apr 6, 2017
Publicly Available Date May 18, 2019
Journal Area
Print ISSN 0004-0894
Electronic ISSN 1475-4762
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 50
Issue 2
Pages 205-212
Public URL


Accepted Journal Article (429 Kb)

Copyright Statement
This is the accepted version of the following article: Maynard, N. (2018). Activism across the lifecourse: circumstantial, dormant and embedded activisms. Area 50(2): 205-2212, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance With Wiley Terms and Conditions for self-archiving.

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