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How will e-cigarettes affect health inequalities? Applying Bourdieu to smoking and cessation

Thirlway, Frances

How will e-cigarettes affect health inequalities? Applying Bourdieu to smoking and cessation Thumbnail


Frances Thirlway


This paper uses the work of Bourdieu to theorise smoking and cessation through a class lens, showing that the struggle for distinction created the social gradient in smoking, with smoking stigma operating as a proxy for class stigma. This led to increased policy focus on the health of bystanders and children and later also to concerns about electronic cigarettes. Bourdieu’s concept of habitus is deployed to argue that the e-cigarette helps middle-class smokers resolve smoking as a symptom of cleft habitus associated with social mobility or particular subcultures. E-cigarette use is also compatible with family responsibility and sociable hedonism; aspects of working-class habitus which map to the ‘practical family quitter’ and the ‘recreational user’ respectively. The effectiveness of class stigma in changing health behaviours is contested, as is the usefulness of youth as a category of analysis and hence the relevance of concerns about young people’s e-cigarette use outside a class framework of smoking and cessation. With regard to health inequalities, whilst middle-class smokers have in class disgust a stronger incentive to quit than working-class smokers, there is potential for tobacco control to tap into a working-class ethos of family care and responsibility.


Thirlway, F. (2018). How will e-cigarettes affect health inequalities? Applying Bourdieu to smoking and cessation. International Journal of Drug Policy, 54, 99-104.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 6, 2018
Online Publication Date Feb 8, 2018
Publication Date Feb 8, 2018
Deposit Date Feb 22, 2018
Publicly Available Date Feb 22, 2018
Journal International Journal of Drug Policy
Print ISSN 0955-3959
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 54
Pages 99-104
Public URL


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