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Difference-frequency combs in cold atom physics

Kliese, R.; Hoghooghi, N.; Puppe, T.; Rohde, F.; Sell, A.; Zach, A.; Leisching, P.; Kaenders, W.; Keegan, N.C.; Bounds, A.D.; Bridge, E.M.; Leonard, J.; Adams, C.S.; Cornish, S.L.; Jones, M.P.A.

Difference-frequency combs in cold atom physics Thumbnail


R. Kliese

N. Hoghooghi

T. Puppe

F. Rohde

A. Sell

A. Zach

P. Leisching

W. Kaenders

N.C. Keegan

A.D. Bounds

E.M. Bridge

J. Leonard

C.S. Adams

S.L. Cornish


Optical frequency combs provide the clockwork to relate optical frequencies to radio frequencies. Hence, combs allow optical frequencies to be measured with respect to a radio frequency where the accuracy is limited only by the reference signal. In order to provide a stable link between the radio and optical frequencies, the two parameters of the frequency comb must be fixed: the carrier envelope offset frequency, fceo, and the pulse repetition-rate, frep. We have developed the first optical frequency comb based on difference frequency generation (DFG) that eliminates fceo by design — specifically tailored for applications in cold atom physics. An fceo-free spectrum at 1550 nm is generated from a super continuum spanning more than an optical octave. Established amplification and frequency conversion techniques based on reliable telecom fibre technology allow the generation of multiple wavelength outputs. The DFG comb is a convenient tool to both stabilise laser sources and accurately measure optical frequencies in Rydberg experiments and more generally in quantum optics. In this paper we discuss the frequency comb design, characterization, and optical frequency measurement of Strontium Rydberg states. The DFG technique allows for a compact and robust, passively fceo stable frequency comb significantly improving reliability in practical applications.


Kliese, R., Hoghooghi, N., Puppe, T., Rohde, F., Sell, A., Zach, A., …Jones, M. (2016). Difference-frequency combs in cold atom physics. European Physical Journal - Special Topics, 225(15), 2775-2784.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 14, 2016
Online Publication Date Dec 19, 2016
Publication Date Dec 19, 2016
Deposit Date Feb 14, 2017
Publicly Available Date Dec 19, 2017
Journal European Physical Journal - Special Topics
Print ISSN 1951-6355
Electronic ISSN 1951-6401
Publisher EDP Sciences
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 225
Issue 15
Pages 2775-2784
Public URL


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