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Unit, Vibration, Tone: A Post-Phenomenological Method for Researching Digital Interfaces

Ash, J.; Anderson, B.; Gordon, R.; Langley, P.

Unit, Vibration, Tone: A Post-Phenomenological Method for Researching Digital Interfaces Thumbnail


J. Ash

R. Gordon


Digital interfaces, in the form of websites, mobile apps and other platforms, now mediate user experiences with a variety of economic, cultural and political services and products. To study these digital mediations, researchers have to date followed a range of methodological strategies including the modification of pre-existing qualitative research methods, such as content analysis, discourse analysis and semiotics, among many others, and an experimentation with new methods designed to make visible the operation of data aggregation, analytics and algorithms that are hidden from users. Building upon, while distinct from these strategies, the article sets out a post-phenomenological approach to studying interfaces, websites and apps that explicitly interrogates how they appear as objects. In doing so, the article provides a response to a problem that animates contemporary cultural geography: that new cultural objects are emerging which place in question the habits and practices of analysis that composed the ‘new’ cultural geography. To do this, the paper develops the concepts of unit, vibration and tone to unpack interfaces as sets of entities that work together to shape the experiences and responses of users. As such, the article provides a methodological vocabulary for the analysis of how interfaces operate to modulate user response and action on a series of habitual and un-reflected upon levels and thereby to create outcomes that suit their owners and operators.


Ash, J., Anderson, B., Gordon, R., & Langley, P. (2018). Unit, Vibration, Tone: A Post-Phenomenological Method for Researching Digital Interfaces. Cultural Geographies, 25(1), 165-181.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 17, 2017
Online Publication Date Aug 22, 2017
Publication Date Jan 1, 2018
Deposit Date Aug 16, 2017
Publicly Available Date Aug 17, 2017
Journal cultural geographies
Print ISSN 1474-4740
Electronic ISSN 1477-0881
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 25
Issue 1
Pages 165-181
Keywords Digital geographies, digital methods, interfaces, materiality, post-phenomenology.
Public URL


Accepted Journal Article (614 Kb)

Copyright Statement
Ash, J., Anderson, B., Gordon, R. and Langley, P. (2018) 'Unit, vibration, tone : a post-phenomenological method for researching digital interfaces.', Cultural geographies., 25 (1). pp. 165-181. © 2017 The Author(s). Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications.

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