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Development and Field Evaluation of a Synthetic Mosquito Lure That Is More Attractive than Humans

Okumu, Fredros O.; Killeen, Gerry F.; Ogoma, Sheila; Biswaro, Lubandwa; Smallegange, Renate C.; Mbeyela, Edgar; Titus, Emmanuel; Munk, Cristina; Ngonyani, Hassan; Takken, Willem; Mshinda, Hassan; Mukabana, Wolfgang R.; Moore, Sarah J.

Development and Field Evaluation of a Synthetic Mosquito Lure That Is More Attractive than Humans Thumbnail


Fredros O. Okumu

Gerry F. Killeen

Sheila Ogoma

Lubandwa Biswaro

Renate C. Smallegange

Edgar Mbeyela

Emmanuel Titus

Cristina Munk

Hassan Ngonyani

Willem Takken

Hassan Mshinda

Wolfgang R. Mukabana

Sarah J. Moore


Background Disease transmitting mosquitoes locate humans and other blood hosts by identifying their characteristic odor profiles. Using their olfactory organs, the mosquitoes detect compounds present in human breath, sweat and skins, and use these as cues to locate and obtain blood from the humans. These odor compounds can be synthesized in vitro, then formulated to mimic humans. While some synthetic mosquito lures already exist, evidence supporting their utility is limited to laboratory settings, where long-range stimuli cannot be investigated. Methodology and Principal Findings Here we report the development and field evaluation of an odor blend consisting of known mosquito attractants namely carbon dioxide, ammonia and carboxylic acids, which was optimized at distances comparable with attractive ranges of humans to mosquitoes. Binary choice assays were conducted inside a large-cage semi-field enclosure using attractant-baited traps placed 20 m apart. This enabled high-throughput optimization of concentrations at which the individual candidate attractants needed to be added so as to obtain a blend maximally attractive to laboratory-reared An. gambiae. To determine whether wild mosquitoes would also be attracted to this synthetic odor blend and to compare it with whole humans under epidemiologically relevant conditions, field experiments were conducted inside experimental huts, where the blend was compared with 10 different adult male volunteers (20-34 years old). The blend attracted 3 to 5 times more mosquitoes than humans when the two baits were in different experimental huts (10–100 metres apart), but was equally or less attractive than humans when compared side by side within same huts. Conclusion and Significance This highly attractive substitute for human baits might enable development of technologies for trapping mosquitoes in numbers sufficient to prevent rather than merely monitor transmission of mosquito-borne diseases.


Okumu, F. O., Killeen, G. F., Ogoma, S., Biswaro, L., Smallegange, R. C., Mbeyela, E., Titus, E., Munk, C., Ngonyani, H., Takken, W., Mshinda, H., Mukabana, W. R., & Moore, S. J. (2010). Development and Field Evaluation of a Synthetic Mosquito Lure That Is More Attractive than Humans. PLoS ONE, 5(1), Article e8951.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 11, 2010
Online Publication Date Jan 28, 2010
Publication Date Jan 28, 2010
Deposit Date May 14, 2018
Publicly Available Date May 14, 2018
Journal PLoS ONE
Publisher Public Library of Science
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 5
Issue 1
Article Number e8951
Public URL


Published Journal Article (209 Kb)

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Copyright Statement
© 2010 Okumu et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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