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Best practice recommendations for the use of external telemetry devices on pinnipeds

Horning, Markus; Andrews, Russel D.; Bishop, Amanda M.; Boveng, Peter L.; Costa, Daniel P.; Crocker, Daniel E.; Haulena, Martin; Hindell, Mark; Hindle, Allyson G.; Holser, Rachel R.; Hooker, Sascha K.; Hückstädt, Luis A.; Johnson, Shawn; Lea, Mary-Anne; McDonald, Birgitte I.; McMahon, Clive R.; Robinson, Patrick W.; Sattler, Renae L.; Shuert, Courtney R.; Steingass, Sheanna M.; Thompson, Dave; Tuomi, Pamela A.; Williams, Cassondra L.; Womble, Jamie N.

Best practice recommendations for the use of external telemetry devices on pinnipeds Thumbnail


Markus Horning

Russel D. Andrews

Amanda M. Bishop

Peter L. Boveng

Daniel P. Costa

Daniel E. Crocker

Martin Haulena

Mark Hindell

Allyson G. Hindle

Rachel R. Holser

Sascha K. Hooker

Luis A. Hückstädt

Shawn Johnson

Mary-Anne Lea

Birgitte I. McDonald

Clive R. McMahon

Patrick W. Robinson

Renae L. Sattler

Courtney R. Shuert

Sheanna M. Steingass

Dave Thompson

Pamela A. Tuomi

Cassondra L. Williams

Jamie N. Womble


Pinnipeds spend large portions of their lives at sea, submerged, or hauled-out on land, often on remote of-shore islands. This fundamentally limits access by researchers to critical parts of pinniped life history and has spurred the development and implementation of a variety of externally attached telemetry devices (ETDs) to collect informa‑ tion about movement patterns, physiology and ecology of marine animals when they cannot be directly observed. ETDs are less invasive and easier to apply than implanted internal devices, making them more widely used. However, ETDs have limited retention times and their use may result in negative short- and long-term consequences includ‑ ing capture myopathy, impacts to energetics, behavior, and entanglement risk. We identify 15 best practice recom‑ mendations for the use of ETDs with pinnipeds that address experimental justifcation, animal capture, tag design, tag attachment, efects assessments, preparation, and reporting. Continued improvement of best practices is critical within the framework of the Three Rs (Reduction, Refnement, Replacement); these best practice recommendations provide current guidance to mitigate known potential negative outcomes for individuals and local populations. These recommendations were developed specifcally for pinnipeds; however, they may also be applicable to studies of other marine taxa. We conclude with four desired future directions for the use of ETDs in technology development, valida‑ tion studies, experimental designs and data sharing.


Horning, M., Andrews, R. D., Bishop, A. M., Boveng, P. L., Costa, D. P., Crocker, D. E., Haulena, M., Hindell, M., Hindle, A. G., Holser, R. R., Hooker, S. K., Hückstädt, L. A., Johnson, S., Lea, M.-A., McDonald, B. I., McMahon, C. R., Robinson, P. W., Sattler, R. L., Shuert, C. R., Steingass, S. M., …Womble, J. N. (2019). Best practice recommendations for the use of external telemetry devices on pinnipeds. Animal Biotelemetry, 7(1), Article 20.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 17, 2019
Online Publication Date Oct 4, 2019
Publication Date Oct 4, 2019
Deposit Date Dec 11, 2019
Publicly Available Date Dec 11, 2019
Journal Animal Biotelemetry
Publisher BioMed Central
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 7
Issue 1
Article Number 20
Public URL


Published Journal Article (2.4 Mb)

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