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Evaluation of low grade heat transport in the process industry using absorption processes

Ammar, Yasmine; Chen, Yi; Joyce, Sharon; Wang, Yaodong; Roskilly, Antony P.; Swailes, David


Yasmine Ammar

Yi Chen

Sharon Joyce

David Swailes


This paper looks at a long distance heat transportation system based on an absorption process using a mixture of water and ammonia as a working fluid in order to use low grade heat available in the process industry. This paper aims at establishing the potential of using this method for economically transferring low grade heat from process industries to domestic heat sinks. To do so, the efficiency of transporting low grade heat sources identified in the process industries was examined. The economic distance was defined as the limit for economically transferring low grade heat from the source to the domestic heat sink. Based on a 10 year payback period, it was shown that heat could reach as far as 30–40 km for low grade heat sources at temperature as low as 80 °C. Finally, the economic distance was expressed as a function of the amount of fuel equivalent associated with low grade heat recovery savings and the economics of the transportation solution was discussed with regards to the expected changes of the heating and steel price over time.

▸ Review of low grade heat potential in process industries.
▸ Identification of suitable low grade heat sources from a papermill case study.
▸ Technical and economical evaluation of Humidification Dehumidification desalination.
▸ Technical and economical evaluation of Multiple Effect Distillation coupled with heat pump.
▸ Full Life cycle assessment and comparison to a system using natural gas.


Ammar, Y., Chen, Y., Joyce, S., Wang, Y., Roskilly, A. P., & Swailes, D. (2013). Evaluation of low grade heat transport in the process industry using absorption processes. Applied Thermal Engineering, 53(2), 217-225.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Apr 24, 2012
Online Publication Date May 23, 2012
Publication Date May 2, 2013
Deposit Date Nov 5, 2019
Journal Applied Thermal Engineering
Print ISSN 1359-4311
Electronic ISSN 1873-5606
Publisher Elsevier
Volume 53
Issue 2
Pages 217-225
Keywords Heat transport; Low-grade heat; Process industry; Cooling; Heating; Domestic application; Sustainability;
Public URL