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Mind‐mindedness versus mentalistic interpretations of behavior: Is mind‐mindedness a relational construct?

Larkin, Fionnuala; Schacht, Robin; Oostenbroek, Janine; Hayward, Emily; Fernyhough, Charles; Muñoz Centifanti, Luna C.; Meins, Elizabeth

Mind‐mindedness versus mentalistic interpretations of behavior: Is mind‐mindedness a relational construct? Thumbnail


Fionnuala Larkin

Robin Schacht

Janine Oostenbroek

Emily Hayward

Luna C. Muñoz Centifanti

Elizabeth Meins


Mind‐mindedness is a measure of the tendency to represent significant others in internal state terms and is central to supportive parent–infant relationships. The two studies reported here explored whether mind‐mindedness generalizes to representations of unknown individuals, using a novel task that assessed individual differences in adults’ tendency to interpret others’ behavior with reference to their internal states: the Unknown Mother–Infant Interaction Task (UMIIT). We compared UMIIT performance with measures of mind‐mindedness from (a) adults’ descriptions of close friends and partners (Study 1, N = 96) and (b) mothers’ appropriate versus nonattuned comments on their infants’ internal states (Study 2, N = 56). In line with the proposal that mind‐mindedness is a relational construct, UMIIT performance was unrelated to mind‐mindedness in both studies.


Larkin, F., Schacht, R., Oostenbroek, J., Hayward, E., Fernyhough, C., Muñoz Centifanti, L. C., & Meins, E. (2021). Mind‐mindedness versus mentalistic interpretations of behavior: Is mind‐mindedness a relational construct?. Infant Mental Health Journal, 42(2), 176-187.

Journal Article Type Article
Online Publication Date Dec 16, 2020
Publication Date 2021-03
Deposit Date Feb 8, 2021
Publicly Available Date Dec 16, 2022
Journal Infant Mental Health Journal
Print ISSN 0163-9641
Electronic ISSN 1097-0355
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 42
Issue 2
Pages 176-187
Public URL


Accepted Journal Article (315 Kb)

Copyright Statement
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Larkin, Fionnuala, Schacht, Robin, Oostenbroek, Janine, Hayward, Emily, Fernyhough, Charles, Muñoz Centifanti, Luna C. & Meins, Elizabeth (2021). Mind‐mindedness versus mentalistic interpretations of behavior: Is mind‐mindedness a relational construct? Infant Mental Health Journal 42(2): 176-187, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions.

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