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Herwig 7.2 release note

Bellm, Johannes; Bewick, Gavin; Ferrario Ravasio, Silvia; Gieseke, Stefan; Grellscheid, David; Kirchgaeßer, Patrick; Loshaj, Frashër; Masouminia, Mohammad R.; Nail, Graeme; Papaefstathiou, Andreas; Plätzer, Simon; Podskubka, Radek; Rauch, Michael; Reuschle, Christian; Richardson, Peter; Schichtel, Peter; Seymour, Michael H.; Siódmok, Andrzej; Webster, Stephen

Herwig 7.2 release note Thumbnail


Johannes Bellm

Gavin Bewick

Silvia Ferrario Ravasio

Stefan Gieseke

David Grellscheid

Patrick Kirchgaeßer

Frashër Loshaj

Graeme Nail

Andreas Papaefstathiou

Simon Plätzer

Radek Podskubka

Michael Rauch

Christian Reuschle

Peter Schichtel

Michael H. Seymour

Andrzej Siódmok

Stephen Webster


A new release of the Monte Carlo event generator Herwig (version 7.2) is now available. This version introduces a number of improvements over the major version 7.0, notably: multi-jet merging with the dipole shower at LO and NLO QCD; spin correlations in both the dipole and angular-ordered parton showers; an improved choice of evolution variable in the angular-ordered parton shower; improvements to mass effects and top decays in the dipole shower, improvements to the simulation of multiple-parton interactions, including diffractive processes; a new model for baryonic colour reconnection; improvements to strangeness production; as well as a new tune of the hadronisation parameters and support for generic Lorentz structures in BSM models. This article illustrates new features of versions 7.1 and 7.2.


Bellm, J., Bewick, G., Ferrario Ravasio, S., Gieseke, S., Grellscheid, D., Kirchgaeßer, P., Loshaj, F., Masouminia, M. R., Nail, G., Papaefstathiou, A., Plätzer, S., Podskubka, R., Rauch, M., Reuschle, C., Richardson, P., Schichtel, P., Seymour, M. H., Siódmok, A., & Webster, S. (2020). Herwig 7.2 release note. The European Physical Journal C, 80(5), Article 452.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 2, 2020
Online Publication Date May 20, 2020
Publication Date May 31, 2020
Deposit Date May 21, 2020
Publicly Available Date May 22, 2020
Journal European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields
Print ISSN 1434-6044
Electronic ISSN 1434-6052
Publisher SpringerOpen
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 80
Issue 5
Article Number 452
Public URL


Published Journal Article (1.6 Mb)

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