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The impact of school exclusion zone planning guidance on the number and type of food outlets in an English local authority: A longitudinal analysis

Brown, Heather; Kirkman, Scott; Albani, Viviana; Goffe, Louis; Akhter, Nasima; Hollingsworth, Bruce; von Hinke, Stephanie; Lake, Amelia

The impact of school exclusion zone planning guidance on the number and type of food outlets in an English local authority: A longitudinal analysis Thumbnail


Heather Brown

Scott Kirkman

Viviana Albani

Louis Goffe

Nasima Akhter

Bruce Hollingsworth

Stephanie von Hinke

Amelia Lake


The use of planning policy to manage and create a healthy food environment has become a popular policy tool for local governments in England. To date there has been no evaluation of their short-term impact on the built environment. We assess if planning guidance restricting new fast food outlets within 400 m of a secondary school, influences the food environment in the local authority of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK. We have administrative data on all food outlets in Newcastle 3 years pre-intervention 2012–2015, the intervention year 2016, and three years’ post-intervention 2016–2019. We employ a difference-in-difference approach comparing postcodes within the school fast food outlet exclusion zone to those outside the fast-food exclusion zones. In the short term (3 years), planning guidance to limit the number of new fast-food outlets in a school exclusion zone did not have a statistically significant impact on the food environment when compared with a control zone.


Brown, H., Kirkman, S., Albani, V., Goffe, L., Akhter, N., Hollingsworth, B., …Lake, A. (2021). The impact of school exclusion zone planning guidance on the number and type of food outlets in an English local authority: A longitudinal analysis. Health & Place, 70,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 1, 2021
Online Publication Date Jun 9, 2021
Publication Date 2021
Deposit Date Aug 24, 2021
Publicly Available Date Aug 24, 2021
Journal Health & Place
Print ISSN 1353-8292
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 70
Public URL


Published Journal Article (3.4 Mb)

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