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The ZX calculus is a language for surface code lattice surgery

de Beaudrap, Niel; Horsman, Dominic

The ZX calculus is a language for surface code lattice surgery Thumbnail


Niel de Beaudrap

Dominic Horsman


A leading choice of error correction for scalable quantum computing is the surface code with lattice surgery. The basic lattice surgery operations, the merging and splitting of logical qubits, act non-unitarily on the logical states and are not easily captured by standard circuit notation. This raises the question of how best to design, verify, and optimise protocols that use lattice surgery, in particular in architectures with complex resource management issues. In this paper we demonstrate that the operations of the ZX calculus --- a form of quantum diagrammatic reasoning based on bialgebras --- match exactly the operations of lattice surgery. Red and green ``spider'' nodes match rough and smooth merges and splits, and follow the axioms of a dagger special associative Frobenius algebra. Some lattice surgery operations require non-trivial correction operations, which are captured natively in the use of the ZX calculus in the form of ensembles of diagrams. We give a first taste of the power of the calculus as a language for lattice surgery by considering two operations (T gates and producing a CNOT) and show how ZX diagram re-write rules give lattice surgery procedures for these operations that are novel, efficient, and highly configurable.


de Beaudrap, N., & Horsman, D. (2020). The ZX calculus is a language for surface code lattice surgery. Quantum, 4, Article 218.

Journal Article Type Article
Online Publication Date Jun 4, 2020
Publication Date 2020
Deposit Date Oct 7, 2020
Publicly Available Date Oct 7, 2020
Journal Quantum
Electronic ISSN 2521-327X
Publisher Verein zur Förderung des Open Access Publizierens in den Quantenwissenschaften
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 4
Article Number 218
Public URL


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