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Predictive and prescriptive analytics in transportation geotechnics: Three case studies

Tinoco, Joaquim; Parente, Manuel; Gomes Correia, António; Cortez, Paulo; Toll, David


Joaquim Tinoco

Manuel Parente

António Gomes Correia

Paulo Cortez


Transportation infrastructure is of paramount importance for any country. The construction, management and maintenance of this infrastructure is a complex task that requires a significant amount of resources (e.g., human work equipment, materials, maintenance costs). To better support this task, in the last decades several Artificial Intelligence (AI) data analysis tools have been proposed. In this paper, we summarize recent predictive and prescriptive AI applications to the transportation infrastructure field, underlying their strategic impact. In particular, we discuss three case studies: the design of better earthwork projects; the prediction of jet grouting soilcrete mechanical and physical properties (uniaxial compressive strength, stiffness and column diameter); and prediction of the stability level of engineered slopes.


Tinoco, J., Parente, M., Gomes Correia, A., Cortez, P., & Toll, D. (2021). Predictive and prescriptive analytics in transportation geotechnics: Three case studies. Transportation Engineering, 5, Article 100074.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 19, 2021
Online Publication Date Jun 1, 2021
Publication Date 2021-09
Deposit Date Dec 5, 2022
Journal Transportation Engineering
Electronic ISSN 2666-691X
Publisher Elsevier
Volume 5
Article Number 100074
Public URL