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Interim project report on ECE project in India and Pakistan

Siddiqui, Nadia; Bulsari, Smruti; Gorard, Stephen; Saeed, Saba; Saeed, Sahar; See, Beng Huat; Dixon, Pauline; Pandya, Kiran

Interim project report on ECE project in India and Pakistan Thumbnail


Smruti Bulsari

Saba Saeed

Sahar Saeed

Beng See
Honorary Professor

Pauline Dixon

Kiran Pandya


We are pleased to report that the project has been successfully launched in the State of Gujarat, India and the province of Punjab, Pakistan under most unfortunate and critical circumstance due to the Covid 19 crisis. Before the global pandemic hit these two regions, we were able to complete the preparatory work such as identification of regions for sampling, development of assessment tools, signing memorandum of understanding with partners, website development, ethics approval, and approval from the local government regions to conduct this activity. In addition, we completed a comprehensive pilot of the instruments in Gujarat and Punjab. A report of this pilot study has been published Reference: Siddiqui, Nadia, Bulsari, Smruti, Gorard, Stephen, See, Beng Huat, Dixon, Pauline, Pandya, Kiran, Saeed, Saba & Saeed, Sahar (2020). Pilot study report 2020 Assessing Early Years Schooling, Access and Student Outcomes (AESAS): Establishing routes for sustainable education in Pakistan and India


Siddiqui, N., Bulsari, S., Gorard, S., Saeed, S., Saeed, S., See, B. H., Dixon, P., & Pandya, K. Interim project report on ECE project in India and Pakistan

Working Paper Type Working Paper
Online Publication Date Jun 30, 2020
Publication Date 2020-06
Deposit Date Sep 4, 2020
Publicly Available Date Sep 4, 2020
Public URL
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