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Image Stabilisation - the MARTINI Project

Brown, D.S.; Doel, A.P.; Dunlop, C.N.; Major, J.V.; Myers, R.M.; Purvis, A.; Thompson, M.G.


D.S. Brown

A.P. Doel

C.N. Dunlop

J.V. Major

A. Purvis

M.G. Thompson


Brown, D., Doel, A., Dunlop, C., Major, J., Myers, R., Purvis, A., & Thompson, M. (1988, December). Image Stabilisation - the MARTINI Project

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Publication Date 1988
Pages 761-
Series Title Very Large Telescopes and their Instrumentation, ESO Conference and Workshop Proceedings, Proceedings of a ESO Conference on Very Large Telescopes and their Instrumentation, held in Garching, March 21-24, 1988, Garching: European Southern Observatory (
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