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On-line coloring of H-free bipartite graphs.

Broersma, H. J.; Capponi, A.; Paulusma, D.


H. J. Broersma

A. Capponi


T. Calamoneri

I. Finocchi

G. F. Italiano


We present a new on-line algorithm for coloring bipartite graphs. This yields a new upper bound on the on-line chromatic number of bipartite graphs, improving a bound due to Lovász, Saks and Trotter. The algorithm is on-line competitive on various classes of H - free bipartite graphs, in particular P6-free bipartite graphs and P7-free bipartite graphs, i.e., that do not contain an induced path on six, respectively seven vertices. The number of colors used by the on-line algorithm in these particular cases is bounded by roughly twice, respectively roughly eight times the on-line chromatic number. In contrast, it is known that there exists no competitive on-line algorithm to color P6-free (or P7-free) bipartite graphs, i.e., for which the number of colors is bounded by any function only depending on the chromatic number.


Broersma, H. J., Capponi, A., & Paulusma, D. (2006, May). On-line coloring of H-free bipartite graphs. Presented at 6th Italian Conference on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC 2006)., Rome, Italy

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 6th Italian Conference on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC 2006).
Start Date May 29, 2006
End Date May 31, 2006
Publication Date 2006
Print ISSN 0302-9743
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 3998
Pages 284-295
Series Title Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Keywords on-line coloring, bipartite graph, H-free graph
Public URL