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Internal Flows and Particle Transport Inside Picoliter Droplets of Binary Solvent Mixtures

Talbot, E.L.; Berson, A.; Yang, L.; Bain, C.D.

Internal Flows and Particle Transport Inside Picoliter Droplets of Binary Solvent Mixtures Thumbnail


E.L. Talbot

A. Berson

L. Yang


The flows in evaporating droplets of binary mixtures are much more complicated than single solvent systems. Solutal Marangoni flows are generated due to differential evaporation of components. High-speed imaging techniques are used to visualize how internal flows transport particles to build up the end deposit. Circulatory flow along streamlines develops inside droplets at the contact line or central region, depending on the direction of the Marangoni flow. Re-circulation of particles can reduce the build up of a ring stain. Additionally, particles migrate across streamlines to collect at the droplet center independent of where the circulating regions occur. Potential mechanisms for particle migration are discussed, including chemophoresis, thermophoresis and shear-induced migration.


Talbot, E., Berson, A., Yang, L., & Bain, C. (2013, January). Internal Flows and Particle Transport Inside Picoliter Droplets of Binary Solvent Mixtures. Presented at NIP & Digital Fabrication Conference, 2013: 29th International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies, Seattle, Washington

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name NIP & Digital Fabrication Conference, 2013: 29th International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies
Publication Date Jan 1, 2013
Deposit Date Jun 11, 2014
Publicly Available Date Jul 14, 2014
Volume 2013
Pages 307-312
Series Title Conference Proceedings: NIP and Digital Fabrication
Series ISSN 2169-4451
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Conference dates: September 29 – October 3, 2013


Published Conference Proceeding (418 Kb)

Copyright Statement
Reprinted with permission of IS&T: The Society for Imaging Science and Technology sole copyright owners IS&T NIP29: International Conference on Digital Printing Technologies and Digital Fabrication 2013 Final Program and Proceedings.

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