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Secondary Flows and Fillet Radii in a Linear Turbine Cascade

Mank, Sebastian; Duerrwaechter, Lukas; Hilfer, Michael; Williams, Richard; Hogg, Simon; Ingram, Grant


Sebastian Mank

Lukas Duerrwaechter

Michael Hilfer

Richard Williams

Simon Hogg


Most large scale cascade experiments and the corresponding computational fluid dynamics are conducted on geometries without fillet radii, that is with sharp edges. Despite that the fact that all real machines have a fillet radii there has not so far been a detailed examination of the influence of fillet radii on the secondary flow structures in turbines. This paper presents detailed measurements on a large scale, low speed cascade with significant secondary flows. A series of detailed traverses inside the blade row were obtained allowing the influence of fillet radii on the formation of secondary flows to be examined. The experimental campaign is backed up by RANS computations. The fillets were found to increase loss by around 10% compared to the base case. This loss could not be accounted for by a simple model of boundary layer behaviour and an accounting of the complex secondary flow interactions is required to explain the observed changes in performance. The secondary flow interactions include a larger radial migration of secondary flows from the endwall and the elimination of the corner vortex. The potential to improve performance by varying the fillet radii around the blade was identified.


Mank, S., Duerrwaechter, L., Hilfer, M., Williams, R., Hogg, S., & Ingram, G. (2014, June). Secondary Flows and Fillet Radii in a Linear Turbine Cascade. Presented at ASME Turbo Expo 2014., Düsseldorf, Germany

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name ASME Turbo Expo 2014.
Start Date Jun 16, 2014
End Date Jun 20, 2014
Publication Date Jun 20, 2014
Deposit Date Oct 28, 2014
Publisher American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Volume 2C
Book Title ASME Turbo Expo 2014 : Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, June 16-20, 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany.
Public URL
Additional Information Conference dates: June 16-20, 2014