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Extreme adaptive optics system optimization with the high order test bench

Vernet, Elise;; Kasper, Markus;; Vérinaud, Christophe;; Fedrigo, Enrico;; Tordo, Sébastien;; Hubin, Norbert;; Esposito, Simone;; Pinna, Enrico;; Puglisi, Alfio;; Tozzi, Andrea;; Basden, Alastair G.;; Goodsell, Stephen J.;; Love, Gordon D.;; Myers, Richard M.


Elise; Vernet

Markus; Kasper

Christophe; Vérinaud

Enrico; Fedrigo

Sébastien; Tordo

Norbert; Hubin

Simone; Esposito

Enrico; Pinna

Alfio; Puglisi

Andrea; Tozzi

Alastair G.; Basden

Gordon D.; Love

Richard M. Myers


Vernet, E., Kasper, M., Vérinaud, C., Fedrigo, E., Tordo, S., Hubin, N., Esposito, S., Pinna, E., Puglisi, A., Tozzi, A., Basden, A. G., Goodsell, S. J., Love, G. D., & Myers, R. M. (2006, December). Extreme adaptive optics system optimization with the high order test bench. Presented at Advances in Adaptive Optics II

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name Advances in Adaptive Optics II
Publication Date 2006
Deposit Date Dec 15, 2016
Volume 6272
Series ISSN 0277-786X
Public URL