Bruce A Macintosh
The Gemini planet imager: first light and commissioning
Macintosh, Bruce A; Anthony, Andre; Atwood, Jenny; Bauman, Brian; Cardwell, Andrew; Caputa, Kris; Chilcote, Jeffery; De Rosa, Robert J; Dillon, Daren; Doyon, René; Dunn, Jennifer; Erickson, Darren; Fitzgerald, Michael P; Gavel, Donald T; Galvez, Ramon; Goodsell, Stephen; Graham, James; Greenbaum, Alexandra Z; Hartung, Markus; Hibon, Pascale; Ingraham, Patrick; Kerley, Dan; Konopacky, Quinn; Labrie, Kathleen; Larkin, James; Maire, Jerome; Marchis, Franck; Marois, Christian; Millar-Blanchaer, Max; Morzinski, Katie; Nunez, Arturo; Oppenheimer, Rebecca; Palmer, David; Pazder, John; Perrin, Marshall; Poyneer, Lisa A; Pueyo, Laurent; Quiroz, Carlos; Rantakyro, Fredrik; Reshetov, Vlad; Saddlemyer, Les; Sadakuni, Naru; Savransky, Dmitry; Serio, Andrew; Sivaramakrishnan, Anand; Smith, Malcolm; Soummer, Remi; Thomas, Sandrine; Wallace, J.K; Wang, Jason; Weiss, Jason; Wiktorowicz, Sloane; Wolff, Schuyler G
Andre Anthony
Jenny Atwood
Brian Bauman
Andrew Cardwell
Kris Caputa
Jeffery Chilcote
Robert J De Rosa
Daren Dillon
René Doyon
Jennifer Dunn
Darren Erickson
Michael P Fitzgerald
Donald T Gavel
Ramon Galvez
Dr Stephen Goodsell
Programme Manager
James Graham
Alexandra Z Greenbaum
Markus Hartung
Pascale Hibon
Patrick Ingraham
Dan Kerley
Quinn Konopacky
Kathleen Labrie
James Larkin
Jerome Maire
Franck Marchis
Christian Marois
Max Millar-Blanchaer
Katie Morzinski
Arturo Nunez
Rebecca Oppenheimer
David Palmer
John Pazder
Marshall Perrin
Lisa A Poyneer
Laurent Pueyo
Carlos Quiroz
Fredrik Rantakyro
Vlad Reshetov
Les Saddlemyer
Naru Sadakuni
Dmitry Savransky
Andrew Serio
Anand Sivaramakrishnan
Malcolm Smith
Remi Soummer
Sandrine Thomas
J.K Wallace
Jason Wang
Jason Weiss
Sloane Wiktorowicz
Schuyler G Wolff
Macintosh, B. A., Anthony, A., Atwood, J., Bauman, B., Cardwell, A., Caputa, K., Chilcote, J., De Rosa, R. J., Dillon, D., Doyon, R., Dunn, J., Erickson, D., Fitzgerald, M. P., Gavel, D. T., Galvez, R., Goodsell, S., Graham, J., Greenbaum, A. Z., Hartung, M., Hibon, P., …Wolff, S. G. (2014, December). The Gemini planet imager: first light and commissioning. Presented at Adaptive Optics Systems IV
Presentation Conference Type | Conference Paper (published) |
Conference Name | Adaptive Optics Systems IV |
Publication Date | 2014 |
Deposit Date | Dec 9, 2016 |
Volume | 9148 |
Series ISSN | 0277-786X |
DOI | |
Public URL | |
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