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The E-ELT first light spectrograph HARMONI: capabilities and modes

Thatte, Niranjan A.; Clarke, Fraser; Bryson, Ian; Shnetler, Hermine; Tecza, Matthias; Fusco, Thierry; Bacon, Roland M.; Richard, Johan; Mediavilla, Evencio; Neichel, Benoît; Arribas, Santiago; Garcia-Lorenzo, Begoña; Remillieux, Alban; El Madi, Kacem; Herreros, Jose Miguel; Melotte, Dave; O'Brien, Kieran; Tosh, Ian A.; Vernet, Joël; Hammersley, Peter; Ives, Derek J.; Finger, Gert; Houghton, Ryan; Rigopoulou, Dimitra; Lynn, James D.; Allen, Jamie R.; Zieleniewski, Simon D.; Kendrew, Sarah; Ferraro-Wood, Vanessa; Pécontal-Rousset, Arlette; Kosmalski, Johan; Laurent, Florence; Loupias, Magali; Piqueras, Laure; Renault, Edgar; Blaizot, Jeremy; Daguisé, Eric; Migniau, Jean-Emmanuel; Jarno, Aurélien; Born, Andy; Gallie, Angus M.; Montgomery, David M.; Henry, David; Schwartz, Noah; Taylor, William; Zins, Gérard; Rodríguez-Ramos, Luis Fernando; Cagigas, Miguel; Battaglia, Giuseppina; Rebolo López, Refael; Hernández Suárez, Elvio; Gigante-Ripoll, José Vicente; Piqueras López, Javier; Villa Mart...

The E-ELT first light spectrograph HARMONI: capabilities and modes Thumbnail


Niranjan A. Thatte

Fraser Clarke

Ian Bryson

Hermine Shnetler

Matthias Tecza

Thierry Fusco

Roland M. Bacon

Johan Richard

Evencio Mediavilla

Benoît Neichel

Santiago Arribas

Begoña Garcia-Lorenzo

Alban Remillieux

Kacem El Madi

Jose Miguel Herreros

Dave Melotte

Ian A. Tosh

Joël Vernet

Peter Hammersley

Derek J. Ives

Gert Finger

Ryan Houghton

Dimitra Rigopoulou

James D. Lynn

Jamie R. Allen

Simon D. Zieleniewski

Sarah Kendrew

Vanessa Ferraro-Wood

Arlette Pécontal-Rousset

Johan Kosmalski

Florence Laurent

Magali Loupias

Laure Piqueras

Edgar Renault

Jeremy Blaizot

Eric Daguisé

Jean-Emmanuel Migniau

Aurélien Jarno

Andy Born

Angus M. Gallie

David M. Montgomery

David Henry

Noah Schwartz

William Taylor

Gérard Zins

Luis Fernando Rodríguez-Ramos

Miguel Cagigas

Giuseppina Battaglia

Refael Rebolo López

Elvio Hernández Suárez

José Vicente Gigante-Ripoll

Javier Piqueras López

Montserrat Villa Martin

Carlos Correia

Sandrine Pascal

Leonardo Blanco

Pascal Vola

Benoit Epinat

Celine Peroux

Arthur Vigan

Kjetil Dohlen

Jean-Francois Sauvage

Martin Lee

Alexis Carlotti

Christophe Verinaud

Richard Myers

Andrew Reeves

Mark Swinbank

Marrie Larrieu

Christopher J. Evans


Luc Simard

Hideki Takami

Christopher J. Evans


HARMONI is the E-ELT’s first light visible and near-infrared integral field spectrograph. It will provide four different spatial scales, ranging from coarse spaxels of 60 × 30 mas best suited for seeing limited observations, to 4 mas spaxels that Nyquist sample the diffraction limited point spread function of the E-ELT at near-infrared wavelengths. Each spaxel scale may be combined with eleven spectral settings, that provide a range of spectral resolving powers (R ~3500, 7500 and 20000) and instantaneous wavelength coverage spanning the 0.5 – 2.4 μm wavelength range of the instrument. In autumn 2015, the HARMONI project started the Preliminary Design Phase, following signature of the contract to design, build, test and commission the instrument, signed between the European Southern Observatory and the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council. Crucially, the contract also includes the preliminary design of the HARMONI Laser Tomographic Adaptive Optics system. The instrument’s technical specifications were finalized in the period leading up to contract signature. In this paper, we report on the first activity carried out during preliminary design, defining the baseline architecture for the system, and the trade-off studies leading up to the choice of baseline.


Thatte, N. A., Clarke, F., Bryson, I., Shnetler, H., Tecza, M., Fusco, T., Bacon, R. M., Richard, J., Mediavilla, E., Neichel, B., Arribas, S., Garcia-Lorenzo, B., Remillieux, A., El Madi, K., Herreros, J. M., Melotte, D., O'Brien, K., Tosh, I. A., Vernet, J., Hammersley, P., …Evans, C. J. (2016, December). The E-ELT first light spectrograph HARMONI: capabilities and modes. Presented at Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI,: SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, 2016, Edinburgh

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI,: SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, 2016
Online Publication Date Aug 9, 2016
Publication Date 2016
Deposit Date Sep 25, 2018
Publicly Available Date Jan 19, 2023
Volume 9908
Series ISSN 0277-786X
Book Title Proceedings Volume 9908, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI
Public URL


Published Conference Proceeding (924 Kb)

Copyright Statement
Copyright (2016) Society of Photo Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.

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