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PICA-PICA: Exploring a Customisable Smart STEAM Educational Approach via a Smooth Combination of Programming, Engineering and Art

Nagai, Takashi; Klem, Strahinja; Kayama, Mizue; Asuke, Takehiko; Meccawy, Maram; Wang, Jingyun; Cristea, Alexandra I.; Stewart, Craig D.; Shi, Lei

PICA-PICA: Exploring a Customisable Smart STEAM Educational Approach via a Smooth Combination of Programming, Engineering and Art Thumbnail


Takashi Nagai

Mizue Kayama

Takehiko Asuke

Maram Meccawy

Lei Shi


The STEAM approach in education has been gaining increasing popularity over the last decade. This is due to its potential in enhancing students' learning, when teaching arts and scientific disciplines together. This paper introduces the PICA-PICA concept, where we aim to develop a smart customisable environment, combining, in a unique way, teaching programming in conjunction with the engineering of artworks. The PICA-PICA concept was implemented, used and tested in real-life, by upper primary school students in Japan, during a 4-day workshop. Initial results illustrated the quality of the solution proposed by PICA-PICA. We noted that the integration was perceived as smooth, and not contrived: all participants understood how to use the PICA-PICA environment to engineer programmable art objects. Furthermore, the PICA-PICA approach led to high motivation: children did not get bored and were fully engaged. Finally, the quality of their work as a learning outcome was high: by including a programming segment with the other expressive activities in the artwork, the children were able to design the electronics in a more concentrated and meaningful way than their curriculum-structured learning. This study also presents an innovative implementation of the STEAM approach using Micro:bits technology to create exciting artwork whilst using household recyclable items, which also teaches about sustainability. The involvement of parents and their interest in learning is another unique aspect of this study.


Nagai, T., Klem, S., Kayama, M., Asuke, T., Meccawy, M., Wang, J., Cristea, A. I., Stewart, C. D., & Shi, L. (2023, May). PICA-PICA: Exploring a Customisable Smart STEAM Educational Approach via a Smooth Combination of Programming, Engineering and Art. Presented at 2023 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Kuwait

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 2023 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)
Start Date May 1, 2023
End Date May 4, 2023
Acceptance Date May 1, 2011
Online Publication Date May 22, 2023
Publication Date 2023
Deposit Date May 23, 2023
Publicly Available Date May 24, 2023
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Public URL


Accepted Conference Proceeding (24.8 Mb)

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