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Attitudes Towards Europe: Language in the Unification Process


Andreas Musolff

Colin Good

Petra Points

Ruth Wittlinger


British Discourse on Europe: British national identity in the European context, Gerlinde Mautner; Representations of Germany in the context of European integration in Margaret Thatcher’s autobiographies, Ruth Wittlinger; A province of a federal super state, ruled by an unelected bureaucracy – keywords of the Euro-sceptic discourse in Britain, Wolfgang Teubert; German Discourse on Europe: Words, phases and argumentational structures in the German debate on Europe in the early post-war period, Heidrun Kämper; Euro: the career of a European neologism in German press texts (1995–1999), Dieter Herberg. Comparative Studies: The European debate in and between Germany and Great Britain, Colin Good; The metaphorization of European politics: movement on the road to Europe, Andreas Musolff; Attitudes to Europe – mediated by translation, Christina Schäffner; Der Ton wird schärfer. Stereotypes in media translation, Arachne van der Eijk-Spaan.


Musolff, A., Good, C., Points, P., & Wittlinger, R. (Eds.). (2001). Attitudes Towards Europe: Language in the Unification Process. Ashgate Publishing

Book Type Edited Book
Publication Date 2001-04
Deposit Date Mar 4, 2009
Keywords National identity, Stereotypes, European integration, Federal super state.
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