D. Griffiths
Boundaries in Early Medieval Britain.
A. Reynolds
Professor Sarah Semple s.j.semple@durham.ac.uk
This volume focuses on the topic of 'boundaries'. The theme of boundaries is embedded at all levels of early medieval society. Concepts of belonging, exclusion, power and status are all themes related to boundary studies that can be found operating from the scale of the household up to the level of international relations between early medieval societies. The eleven papers presented in this volume examine the nature of both physical and metaphysical boundaries in the early medieval world. The approaches of the archaeologist, historian and place-name scholar are all to be found in the collection, providing a new interdisciplinary approach to a hitherto neglected area of study.
Griffiths, D., Reynolds, A., & Semple, S. (Eds.). (2003). Boundaries in Early Medieval Britain. Oxbow Books
Book Type | Edited Book |
Publication Date | 2003-11 |
Series Title | Anglo-Saxon Studies in History and Archaeology, 12. |
Keywords | Liminality, boudaries, divisions, medieval society |
Public URL | https://durham-repository.worktribe.com/output/1133130 |
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