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Epidemics and Sickness in French Literature and Culture.


Christopher Lloyd


The contributions to this volume were first presented at a conference held at Durham University in 1994, the fifth in our series of biennial French colloquies. The theme of epidemics and sickness echoes that chosen to inaugurate the first colloquy in 1986: moving on from the monstrous, our contributors further explore how, over eight centuries, literature, lexicography and computer technology have striven to define those crucial boundaries which mark the limits of human knowledge and existence. A subject which may seem morbid allows us both to confront inescapable, essential truths and to engage in fruitful, collective enterprise.


Lloyd, C. (Ed.). (1995). Epidemics and Sickness in French Literature and Culture. Durham Modern Languages Series

Book Type Edited Book
Publication Date 1995
Public URL