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Outputs (2)

Natural disasters and economic growth: The role of banking market structure (2021)
Journal Article
Duqi, A., McGowan, D., Onali, E., & Torluccio, G. (2021). Natural disasters and economic growth: The role of banking market structure. Journal of Corporate Finance, 71, Article 102101.

Following a natural disaster, the rate of economic growth recovers faster in less competitive banking markets. A 10% reduction in competition increases the rate of economic growth by 0.3%. In less competitive markets, banks respond to a disaster by i... Read More about Natural disasters and economic growth: The role of banking market structure.

Furlough and Household Financial Distress during the COVID-19 Pandemic (2021)
Preprint / Working Paper
Görtz, C., McGowan, D., & Yeromonahos, M. (2021). Furlough and Household Financial Distress during the COVID-19 Pandemic

We study how furlough affects household financial distress during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Furlough increases the probability of late housing and bill payments by 30% and 9%, respectively.
The effects exist for individuals who rent their home, but n... Read More about Furlough and Household Financial Distress during the COVID-19 Pandemic.