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Outputs (8)

‘The Moon Quivered Like a Snake’: A Medieval Chronicler, Lunar Explosions, and a Puzzle for Modern Interpretation (2020)
Journal Article
Gasper, G. E., & Tanner, B. K. (2020). ‘The Moon Quivered Like a Snake’: A Medieval Chronicler, Lunar Explosions, and a Puzzle for Modern Interpretation. Endeavour, 44(4), Article 100750.

Despite some scepticism, the suggestion by Hartung in 1976 that the report in the chronicle of Gervase of Canterbury corresponded to a meteorite impact with the moon in 1178, creating the Giordano Bruno crater, retains considerable support, particula... Read More about ‘The Moon Quivered Like a Snake’: A Medieval Chronicler, Lunar Explosions, and a Puzzle for Modern Interpretation.

The Early Neolithic frontier farming of southern Scandinavia (2020)
Book Chapter
Gron, K. (2020). The Early Neolithic frontier farming of southern Scandinavia. In K. Gron, L. Sørensen, & P. Rowley-Conwy (Eds.), Farmers at the Frontier: A Pan-European Perspective on Neolithisation (317-337). Oxbow Books

The Early Neolithic origins of agriculture (2020)
Book Chapter
Gron, K., Sørensen, L., & Rowley-conwy, P. (2020). The Early Neolithic origins of agriculture. In K. Gron, L. Sørensen, & P. Rowley-conwy (Eds.), Farmers at the Frontier: A Pan-European Perspective on Neolithisation (443-447). Oxbow Books

Agricultural origins: where next? (2020)
Book Chapter
Gron, K., Sørensen, L., & Rowley-Conwy, P. (2020). Agricultural origins: where next?. In K. Gron, L. Sørensen, & P. Rowley-conwy (Eds.), Farmers at the Frontier: A Pan-European Perspective on Neolithisation (1-5). Oxbow Books

An integrated analysis of Maglemose bone points reframes the Early Mesolithic of Southern Scandinavia (2020)
Journal Article
Jensen, T. Z. T., Sjöström, A., Fischer, A., Rosengren, E., Lanigan, L. T., Bennike, O., Richter, K. K., Gron, K. J., Mackie, M., Mortensen, M. F., Sørensen, L., Chivall, D., Iversen, K. H., Taurozzi, A. J., Olsen, J., Schroeder, H., Milner, N., Sørensen, M., & Collins, M. J. (2020). An integrated analysis of Maglemose bone points reframes the Early Mesolithic of Southern Scandinavia. Scientific Reports, 10(1), Article 17244.

The extensive peat bogs of Southern Scandinavia have yielded rich Mesolithic archaeological assemblages, with one of the most iconic artefacts being the bone point. Although great in number they remain understudied. Here we present a combined investi... Read More about An integrated analysis of Maglemose bone points reframes the Early Mesolithic of Southern Scandinavia.

The role of innovation in advancing understanding of hydrological processes (2020)
Journal Article
Bracken, L. J., Cockshut, L., Taylor, J., & Cotterill, S. (2020). The role of innovation in advancing understanding of hydrological processes. Hydrological Processes, 34(23), 4404-4416.

Innovation and understanding hydrological processes are intimately linked. Existing research has demonstrated the role of technological, societal and political drivers in shaping and delivering new understandings in hydrological processes. In this pa... Read More about The role of innovation in advancing understanding of hydrological processes.