Biogeography and global flows of 100 major alien fungal and fungus‐like oomycete pathogens
Journal Article
Schertler, A., Lenzner, B., Dullinger, S., Moser, D., Bufford, J., Ghelardini, L., Santini, A., Capinha, C., Monteiro, M., Reino, L., Wingfield, M. J., Seebens, H., Thines, M., Dawson, W., van Kleunen, M., Kreft, H., Pergl, J., Pyšek, P., Weigelt, P., Winter, M., & Essl, F. (2024). Biogeography and global flows of 100 major alien fungal and fungus‐like oomycete pathogens. Journal of Biogeography, 51(4), 599-617.
Aim: Spreading infectious diseases associated with introduced pathogens can have devastating effects on native biota and human livelihoods. We analyse the global distribution of 100 major alien fungal and oomycete pathogens with substantial socio‐eco... Read More about Biogeography and global flows of 100 major alien fungal and fungus‐like oomycete pathogens.