TERICA Working Group 3: Alien species and outbreaking species in ecosystems
Book Chapter
Hulme, P., Crawley, M., Hofgaard, A., Huntley, B., Lurz, P., O'Connell, M., …Willis, S. (2000). TERICA Working Group 3: Alien species and outbreaking species in ecosystems. In M. Sutton, J. Moreno, W. van der Putten, & S. Struwe (Eds.), Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe: successes, challenges and policy (44-48). European Communities
Outputs (78)
TERICA Working Group 7: Understanding ecosystems at the landscape scale (2000)
Book Chapter
Cernusca, A., Cramer, W., Grabherr, G., Huntley, B., Mouillot, F., Smith, B., …Venevsky, S. (2000). TERICA Working Group 7: Understanding ecosystems at the landscape scale. In M. Sutton, J. Moreno, W. van der Putten, & S. Struwe (Eds.), Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe: successes, challenges and policy (75-93). European Communities
An assessment of anthropogenic activities on and rehabilitation of river fisheries: current state and future direction (2000)
Book Chapter
Lucas, M., & Marmulla, G. (2000). An assessment of anthropogenic activities on and rehabilitation of river fisheries: current state and future direction. In I. Cowx (Ed.), Management and Ecology of River Fisheries (261-278). Blackwell
Arabidopsis tissue culture, transformation and transient gene expression. (2000)
Book Chapter
Lindsey, K., & Wei, W. (2000). Arabidopsis tissue culture, transformation and transient gene expression. In Z. Wilson (Ed.), Arabidopsis: A Practical Approach (123-141). Oxford University Press
TERICA working group 5: European carbon budgets / Linking carbon and nitrogen cycles. (2000)
Book Chapter
Baxter, R., Evans, S., Emmett, B., Harmens, H., Huntley, B., Kjoller, A., …Wookey, P. (2000). TERICA working group 5: European carbon budgets / Linking carbon and nitrogen cycles. In M. Sutton, J. Moreno, W. van der Putten, & S. Struwe (Eds.), Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe: Successes, challenges and policy (54-64). Office for official publications of the European Communities
Architectural and physiological heterogeneity within the synflorescence of the pseudoviviparous grass Poa alpina var. vivipara L. (2000)
Journal Article
Pierce, S., Stirling, C., & Baxter, R. (2000). Architectural and physiological heterogeneity within the synflorescence of the pseudoviviparous grass Poa alpina var. vivipara L. Journal of Experimental Botany, 51(351), 1705-1712
Investigating the role of small clear vesicles in vertebrate mechanosensory endings using rat muscle spindles. (2000)
Journal Article
Bewick, G. S., Reid, B., & Banks, R. W. (2000). Investigating the role of small clear vesicles in vertebrate mechanosensory endings using rat muscle spindles. The Journal of Physiology, 528, 62-63P
The influence of secondary senescence processes within the culm of a pseudoviviparous grass (Poa alpina var. vivipara L.) on the supply of water to propagules (2000)
Journal Article
Pierce, S., Stirling, C., & Baxter, R. (2000). The influence of secondary senescence processes within the culm of a pseudoviviparous grass (Poa alpina var. vivipara L.) on the supply of water to propagules. Journal of Experimental Botany, 51(347), 1067-1075
Granule cells and cerebellar boundaries: Analysis of Unc5h3 mutant chimeras (2000)
Journal Article
Goldowitz, D., Hamre, K., Przyborski, S., & Ackerman, S. (2000). Granule cells and cerebellar boundaries: Analysis of Unc5h3 mutant chimeras. Journal of Neuroscience, 20, 4129-4137
Immunocytochemical demonstration of glutamate in the sensory terminals of rat muscle spindles (2000)
Journal Article
Banks, R., Richardson, C., & Bewick, G. (2000). Immunocytochemical demonstration of glutamate in the sensory terminals of rat muscle spindles. The Journal of Physiology, 528,