In vivo, Ex Vivo, and In VitroApproaches to Study IntermediateFilaments in the Eye Lens
Journal Article
Jarrin, M., Young, L., Wu, W., Girkin, J., & Quinlan, R. (2016). In vivo, Ex Vivo, and In VitroApproaches to Study IntermediateFilaments in the Eye Lens. Methods in enzymology, 568, 581-611.
The role of the eye lens is to focus light into the retina. To perform this unique function, the ocular lens must be transparent. Previous studies have demonstrated the expression of vimentin, BFSP1, and BFSP2 in the eye lens. These intermediate fila... Read More about In vivo, Ex Vivo, and In VitroApproaches to Study IntermediateFilaments in the Eye Lens.