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Classically integrable boundary conditions for affine Toda field theories (1995)
Journal Article
Bowcock, P., Corrigan, E., Dorey, P., & Rietdijk, R. (1995). Classically integrable boundary conditions for affine Toda field theories. Nuclear Physics B, 445(2-3), 469-500.

Boundary conditions compatible with classical integrability are studied both directly, using an approach based on the explicit construction of conserved quantities, and indirectly by first developing a generalisation of the Lax pair idea. The latter... Read More about Classically integrable boundary conditions for affine Toda field theories.

Aspects of affine Toda field theory on a half line. (1995)
Journal Article
Corrigan, E., Dorey, P., & Rietdijk, R. (1995). Aspects of affine Toda field theory on a half line. Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement, 118, 143-164.

The equation of the integrability of real-coupling affine Toda field theory on a half line is discussed. It is shown, by examining low-spin conserved charges, that the boundary conditions preserving integrability are strongly constrained. In particul... Read More about Aspects of affine Toda field theory on a half line..

Mathematik in Anwendung mit C++ (1994)
Huettenhofer, M., Lesch, M., & Peyerimhoff, N. (1994). Mathematik in Anwendung mit C++. Quelle & Meyer

In diesem Buch werden ausgewaehlte Themen der Mathematik dargestellt, die sich besonders gut durch Algorithmen veranschaulichen lassen. Im zahlentheoretischen Teil des Buches geht es um die Teilbarkeit ganzer Zahlen und um Primzahlen - eine Thematik,... Read More about Mathematik in Anwendung mit C++.