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Outputs (210)

Perturbations of Q-balls: from spectral structure to radiation pressure (2024)
Journal Article
Ciurla, D., Dorey, P., Romańczukiewicz, T., & Shnir, Y. (2024). Perturbations of Q-balls: from spectral structure to radiation pressure. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024(7), Article 196.

We investigate Q-balls in a 1+1 dimensional complex scalar field theory. We find that the relaxation of a squashed Q-ball is dominated by the decay of a normal mode through nonlinear coupling to scattering modes and a long-lasting quasi-normal mode.... Read More about Perturbations of Q-balls: from spectral structure to radiation pressure.

A symmetry-centric perspective on the geometry of the string landscape and the swampland (2024)
Journal Article
Rudelius, T. (online). A symmetry-centric perspective on the geometry of the string landscape and the swampland. International Journal of Modern Physics D,

As famously observed by Ooguri and Vafa nearly 20 years ago, scalar field moduli spaces in quantum gravity appear to exhibit various universal features. For instance, they seem to be infinite in diameter, have trivial fundamental group, and feature t... Read More about A symmetry-centric perspective on the geometry of the string landscape and the swampland.

Iterated-logarithm laws for convex hulls of random walks with drift (2024)
Journal Article
Cygan, W., Sandrić, N., Šebek, S., & Wade, A. R. (2024). Iterated-logarithm laws for convex hulls of random walks with drift. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 377(9), 6695-6724

We establish laws of the iterated logarithm for intrinsic volumes of the convex hull of many-step, multidimensional random walks whose increments have two moments and a non-zero drift. Analogous results in the case of zero drift, where the scaling is... Read More about Iterated-logarithm laws for convex hulls of random walks with drift.

Non-invertible symmetries and higher representation theory I (2024)
Journal Article
Bartsch, T., Bullimore, M., Ferrari, A. E. V., & Pearson, J. (2024). Non-invertible symmetries and higher representation theory I. SciPost Physics, 17(1), Article 015.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the global categorical symmetries that arise when gauging finite higher groups in three or more dimensions. The motivation is to provide a common perspective on constructions of non-invertible global symmet... Read More about Non-invertible symmetries and higher representation theory I.

Using linear mixed models to compare a self-assessed frailty score with clinician assessed scores in patients approaching major surgery (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sayari, M., Durrand, J., Taylor, C., Einbeck, J., Kharatikoopaei, E., Craig, J., & Griffiths, N. (2024, July). Using linear mixed models to compare a self-assessed frailty score with clinician assessed scores in patients approaching major surgery. Presented at International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Durham

Frailty is a syndrome of reduced physiological and cognitive reserve resulting in vulnerability to physiological insult and delayed recovery. It is a recog-nised predictor of poor perioperative outcomes. The Rockwood clinical frailty score (CFS) is a... Read More about Using linear mixed models to compare a self-assessed frailty score with clinician assessed scores in patients approaching major surgery.

The Emergence of Order in Many Element Systems (2024)
Journal Article
Einav, A. (2024). The Emergence of Order in Many Element Systems. Journal of Statistical Physics, 191(7), Article 86.

Our work is dedicated to the introduction and investigation of a new asymptotic correlation relation in the field of mean field models and limits. This new notion, order (as opposed to chaos), revolves around a tendency for self organisation in a giv... Read More about The Emergence of Order in Many Element Systems.

Elicitation of Priors for Intervention Effects in Educational Trial Data (2024)
Book Chapter
Zhang, Q., Uwimpuhwe, G., Vallis, D., Singh, A., Coolen-Maturi, T., & Einbeck, J. (2024). Elicitation of Priors for Intervention Effects in Educational Trial Data. In J. Einbeck, H. Maeng, E. Ogundimu, & K. Perrakis (Eds.), Developments in Statistical Modelling (28-33). Springer.

Effect sizes for educational interventions are commonly small, and hence decisions to re-grant efficacy trials (small trials with homogeneous populations under idealized conditions) as effectiveness trials (larger trials with heterogeneous population... Read More about Elicitation of Priors for Intervention Effects in Educational Trial Data.

Estimating Dose and Time of Exposure from a Protein-Based Radiation Biomarker (2024)
Book Chapter
Cai, Y., Einbeck, J., Barnard, S., & Ainsbury, E. (2024). Estimating Dose and Time of Exposure from a Protein-Based Radiation Biomarker. In Developments in Statistical Modelling (239-245). Springer.

In order to analyze the potential damage to the human body caused by exposure to ionizing radiation, one needs to have an estimation of the dose of radiation received by the individual. In the context of a protein-based biomarker for radiation exposu... Read More about Estimating Dose and Time of Exposure from a Protein-Based Radiation Biomarker.

A Distance-Based Statistic for Goodness-of-Fit Assessment (2024)
Book Chapter
Jayakumari, D., Einbeck, J., Hinde, J., & Moral, R. A. (2024). A Distance-Based Statistic for Goodness-of-Fit Assessment. In J. Einbeck, H. Maeng, E. Ogundimu, & K. Perrakis (Eds.), Developments in Statistical Modelling (263-268). Springer.

The modelling of count data in real world scenarios often requires models that address over-dispersion. Within the generalized linear modeling framework, various over-dispersion models are available as extensions of the basic Poisson model. Graphical... Read More about A Distance-Based Statistic for Goodness-of-Fit Assessment.