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Outputs (209)

Optimisation of maintenance policy under parameter uncertainty using portfolio theory (2016)
Journal Article
Wu, S., Coolen, F., & Liu, B. (2017). Optimisation of maintenance policy under parameter uncertainty using portfolio theory. IISE Transactions, 49(7), 711-721.

In reliability mathematics, optimisation of maintenance policy is derived based on reliability indexes such as the reliability or its derivatives (e.g., the cumulative failure intensity or the renewal function) and the associated cost information. Th... Read More about Optimisation of maintenance policy under parameter uncertainty using portfolio theory.

Impact of high wind penetration on variability of unserved energy in power system adequacy (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Sheehy, S., Edwards, G., Dent, C., Kazemtabrizi, B., Troffaes, M., & Tindemans, S. (2016, October). Impact of high wind penetration on variability of unserved energy in power system adequacy. Presented at International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), Beijing, China

This paper presents results on variability of out-turn shortfalls about the expected value indices which are usually presented in resource adequacy studies, for a range of Loss of Load Expectation (LOLE) levels and installed wind capacities in a test... Read More about Impact of high wind penetration on variability of unserved energy in power system adequacy.

Anisotropic plasmas from axion and dilaton deformations (2016)
Journal Article
Donos, A., Gauntlett, J. P., & Sosa-Rodriguez, O. (2016). Anisotropic plasmas from axion and dilaton deformations. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(11), Article 002.

We construct black hole solutions of type IIB supergravity that are holographically dual to anisotropic plasmas arising from deformations of an infinite class of four-dimensional CFTs. The CFTs are dual to AdS5 × X5, where X5 is an Einstein manifold,... Read More about Anisotropic plasmas from axion and dilaton deformations.

Gauge and supersymmetry invariance of N=2 boundary Chern–Simons theory (2016)
Journal Article
Faizal, M., Luo, Y., Smith, D. J., Tan, M., & Zhao, Q. (2017). Gauge and supersymmetry invariance of N=2 boundary Chern–Simons theory. Nuclear Physics B, 914, 577-598.

In this paper, we study the restoration of gauge symmetry and up to half the supersymmetry (N=(2,0) or N=(1,1) in two dimensions) for N=2 non-Abelian Chern–Simons theories in the presence of a boundary. We describe the boundary action which is a supe... Read More about Gauge and supersymmetry invariance of N=2 boundary Chern–Simons theory.

History matching of a complex epidemiological model of human immunodeficiency virus transmission by using variance emulation (2016)
Journal Article
Andrianakis, I., Vernon, I., McCreesh, N., McKinley, T., Oakley, J., Nsubuga, R., …White, R. (2017). History matching of a complex epidemiological model of human immunodeficiency virus transmission by using variance emulation. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 66(4), 717-740.

Complex stochastic models are commonplace in epidemiology, but their utility depends on their calibration to empirical data. History matching is a (pre)calibration method that has been applied successfully to complex deterministic models. In this wor... Read More about History matching of a complex epidemiological model of human immunodeficiency virus transmission by using variance emulation.

Amplitudes and correlators to ten loops using simple, graphical bootstraps (2016)
Journal Article
Bourjaily, J. L., Heslop, P. V., & Tran, V. (2016). Amplitudes and correlators to ten loops using simple, graphical bootstraps. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2016(11), Article 125.

We introduce two new graphical-level relations among possible contributions to the four-point correlation function and scattering amplitude in planar, maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. When combined with the rung rule, these prove powerful... Read More about Amplitudes and correlators to ten loops using simple, graphical bootstraps.

The four-genus of a link, Levine–Tristram signatures and satellites (2016)
Journal Article
Powell, M. (2017). The four-genus of a link, Levine–Tristram signatures and satellites. Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 26(02), Article 1740008.

We give a new proof that the Levine–Tristram signatures of a link give lower bounds for the minimal sum of the genera of a collection of oriented, locally flat, disjointly embedded surfaces that the link can bound in the 4-ball. We call this minimal... Read More about The four-genus of a link, Levine–Tristram signatures and satellites.

Schrödinger Operator with Non-Zero Accumulation Points of Complex Eigenvalues (2016)
Journal Article
Boegli, S. (2017). Schrödinger Operator with Non-Zero Accumulation Points of Complex Eigenvalues. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 352(2), 629-639.

We study Schrödinger operators H=−Δ+V in L2(Ω) where Ω is Rd or the half-space Rd+, subject to (real) Robin boundary conditions in the latter case. For p>d we construct a non-real potential V∈Lp(Ω)∩L∞(Ω) that decays at infinity so that H has infinite... Read More about Schrödinger Operator with Non-Zero Accumulation Points of Complex Eigenvalues.