New interval Bayesian models for software reliability based on non-homogeneous Poisson processes
Journal Article
Utkin, L., Zatenko, S., & Coolen, F. (2010). New interval Bayesian models for software reliability based on non-homogeneous Poisson processes. Automation and Remote Control, 71(5), 935-944.
Outputs (136)
Extended opportunity-based age replacement with a one-cycle criterion (2010)
Journal Article
Venkat, D., Coolen, F., & Coolen-Schrijner, P. (2010). Extended opportunity-based age replacement with a one-cycle criterion. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 224(1), 55-62.
On modelling of grouped reliability data for wind turbines (2010)
Journal Article
Coolen, F., Spinato, F., & Venkat, D. (2010). On modelling of grouped reliability data for wind turbines. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 21(4), 363-372.
Lifshitz Solutions of D=10 and D=11 supergravity (2010)
Journal Article
Donos, A., & Gauntlett, J. P. (2010). Lifshitz Solutions of D=10 and D=11 supergravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1012,
Dual Superconformal Symmetry of N=6 Chern-Simons Theory (2010)
Journal Article
Huang, Y., & Lipstein, A. E. (2010). Dual Superconformal Symmetry of N=6 Chern-Simons Theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010(11), Article 076. demonstrate that the four and six-point tree-level amplitudes of N=6 superconformal Chern-Simons theory (ABJM) enjoy OSp(6|4) dual superconformal symmetry if one enlarges the dual superspace to include three additional Grassmann-even coordinates w... Read More about Dual Superconformal Symmetry of N=6 Chern-Simons Theory.
Wrapped M5-branes, consistent truncations and AdS/CMT (2010)
Journal Article
Donos, A., Gauntlett, J. P., Kim, N., & Varela, O. (2010). Wrapped M5-branes, consistent truncations and AdS/CMT. Journal of High Energy Physics, 1012,
One-Loop Corrections to Type IIA String Theory in AdS(4) x CP3 (2010)
Journal Article
Bandres, M. A., & Lipstein, A. E. (2010). One-Loop Corrections to Type IIA String Theory in AdS(4) x CP3. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010(04), Article 059. study various methods for computing the one-loop correction to the energy of classical solutions to type IIA string theory in AdS4 x CP3. This involves computing the spectrum of fluctuations and then adding up the fluctuation frequencies. We focus... Read More about One-Loop Corrections to Type IIA String Theory in AdS(4) x CP3.
Chiral flavors and M2-branes at toric CY4 singularities (2010)
Journal Article
Benini, F., Closset, C., & Cremonesi, S. (2010). Chiral flavors and M2-branes at toric CY4 singularities. Journal of High Energy Physics, 02,
Stability of Asymptotically Schro dinger RN Black Hole and Superconductivity (2010)
Journal Article
Cremonesi, S., Melnikov, D., & Oz, Y. (2010). Stability of Asymptotically Schro dinger RN Black Hole and Superconductivity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 04,
Strange metal transport realized by gauge/gravity duality (2010)
Journal Article
Faulkner, T., Iqbal, N., Liu, H., McGreevy, J., & Vegh, D. (2010). Strange metal transport realized by gauge/gravity duality. Science, 329(5995),