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Outputs (98)

A sharp nonlinear stability threshold in rotating porous convection (2001)
Journal Article
Straughan, B. (2001). A sharp nonlinear stability threshold in rotating porous convection. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 457(2005), 87-93.

A nonlinear stability analysis is performed for the Darcy equations of thermal convection in a fluid-saturated porous medium when the medium is rotating about an axis orthogonal to the layer in the direction of gravity. A best possible result is esta... Read More about A sharp nonlinear stability threshold in rotating porous convection.

Real hypersurfaces of Kahler manifolds (2001)
Journal Article
Klingenberg, W. (2001). Real hypersurfaces of Kahler manifolds. Asian Journal of Mathematics, 5(1), 1 -18.

Building on work by S. M. Webster \ref[J. Differential Geom. 13 (1978), no. 1, 25--41; MR0520599 (80e:32015)] the author studies the geometry of the second fundamental form of a real hypersurface in a Kähler manifold. As an application he proves that... Read More about Real hypersurfaces of Kahler manifolds.

Curvature and Geometry of Tessellating Plane Graphs (2001)
Journal Article
Baues, O., & Peyerimhoff, N. (2001). Curvature and Geometry of Tessellating Plane Graphs. Discrete & Computational Geometry, 25(1), 141-159.

We show that the growth of plane tessellations and their edge graphs may be controlled from below by upper bounds for the combinatorial curvature. Under the assumption that every geodesic path may be extended to infinity we provide explicit estimates... Read More about Curvature and Geometry of Tessellating Plane Graphs.

Relic dark energy from trans-Planckian regime (2001)
Journal Article
Mersini, L., Bastero-Gil, M., & Kanti, P. (2001). Relic dark energy from trans-Planckian regime. Physical Review D, Particles and fields, 64(4),

As yet, there is no underlying fundamental theory for the trans-Planckian regime. There is a need to address the issue of how the observables in our present Universe are affected by processes that may have occurred at super-Planckian energies (referr... Read More about Relic dark energy from trans-Planckian regime.

Primes in elliptic divisibility sequences (2001)
Journal Article
Einsiedler, M., Everest, G., & Ward, T. (2001). Primes in elliptic divisibility sequences. LMS journal of computation and mathematics, 4, 1-13.

Morgan Ward pursued the study of elliptic divisibility sequences initiated by Lucas, and Chudnovsky and Chudnovsky suggested looking at elliptic divisibility sequences for prime appearance. The problem of prime appearance in these sequences is examin... Read More about Primes in elliptic divisibility sequences.

A dynamical property unique to the Lucas sequence (2001)
Journal Article
Puri, Y., & Ward, T. (2001). A dynamical property unique to the Lucas sequence. The Fibonacci quarterly, 39(5), 398-402

The only recurrence sequence satisfying the Fibonacci recurrence and realizable as the number of periodic points of a map is (a multiple of) the Lucas sequence.

Primes in divisibility sequences (2001)
Journal Article
Everest, G., & Ward, T. (2001). Primes in divisibility sequences. Cubo (Temuco. Print), 3(2), 245-259

We give an overview of two important families of divisibility sequences: the Lehmer--Pierce family (which generalise the Mersenne sequence) and the elliptic divisibility sequences. Recent computational work is described, as well as some of the mathem... Read More about Primes in divisibility sequences.