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Diffractive Processes at the LHC (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ryskin, M., Martin, A., & Khoze, V. (2005, June). Diffractive Processes at the LHC. Presented at Memorial Workshop devoted to the 75th birthday of V.N. Gribov, Budapest, Hungary

We consider diffractive processes which can be measured at the LHC. Analysis of diffractive events will give unique information about the high energy asymptotics of the hadron scattering. In semihard diffraction one may study the partonic structure o... Read More about Diffractive Processes at the LHC.

Double-diffractive χ meson production at the hadron colliders (2004)
Journal Article
Khoze, V., Martin, A., Ryskin, M., & Stirling, W. (2004). Double-diffractive χ meson production at the hadron colliders. The European Physical Journal C, 35(2), 211-220.

The double-diffractive production of χcχc and χbχb mesons, with a rapidity gap on either side, is studied, using both the Regge formalism and the perturbative QCD approach. Due to the rather low scale, the exclusive double-diffractive process pp→p+χ+... Read More about Double-diffractive χ meson production at the hadron colliders.

Extending the study of the Higgs sector at the LHC by proton tagging (2004)
Journal Article
Kaidalov, A., Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2004). Extending the study of the Higgs sector at the LHC by proton tagging. The European Physical Journal C, 33(2), 261-271.

We show that forward proton tagging may significantly enlarge the potential of studying the Higgs sector at the LHC. We concentrate on Higgs production via central exclusive diffractive processes (CEDP). Particular attention is paid to regions in the... Read More about Extending the study of the Higgs sector at the LHC by proton tagging.