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Outputs (214)

Searches for QCD instantons with forward proton tagging (2023)
Journal Article
Tasevsky, M., Khoze, V., Milne, D., & Ryskin, M. (2023). Searches for QCD instantons with forward proton tagging. The European Physical Journal C, 83, Article 35.

We study the possibility to observe heavy (Minst>60 GeV) QCD instantons at the LHC in events with one or two tagged leading protons including fast simulation of detector and pile-up effects. We show that the expected instanton signal in a single-tagg... Read More about Searches for QCD instantons with forward proton tagging.

Central instanton production (2022)
Journal Article
Khoze, V., Khoze, V., Milne, D., & Ryskin, M. (2022). Central instanton production. Physical Review D, 105(3),

We study the central production of QCD instantons at hadron colliders in events with two large rapidity gaps. These gaps in rapidity are formed by either Pomeron or photon exchanges or a combination of the two. The kT-factorization formalism is used... Read More about Central instanton production.

Elastic photon-initiated production at the LHC: the role of hadron-hadron interactions (2021)
Journal Article
Harland-Lang, L., Khoze, V., & Ryskin, M. G. (2021). Elastic photon-initiated production at the LHC: the role of hadron-hadron interactions. SciPost Physics, 11(3),

We analyse in detail the role of additional hadron–hadron interactions in elastic photon– initiated (PI) production at the LHC, both in p p and heavy ion collisions. We first demonstrate that the source of difference between our predictions and other... Read More about Elastic photon-initiated production at the LHC: the role of hadron-hadron interactions.

Hunting for QCD instantons at the LHC in events with large rapidity gaps (2021)
Journal Article
Khoze, V., Khoze, V., Milne, D., & Ryskin, M. (2021). Hunting for QCD instantons at the LHC in events with large rapidity gaps. Physical Review D, 104(5),

We outline a strategy of how to search for QCD instantons of invariant mass 20–60 GeVin diffractive events in low-luminosity runs at the LHC. We show that, by imposing appropriate selection criteria on the final states, one can select the kinematic r... Read More about Hunting for QCD instantons at the LHC in events with large rapidity gaps.

Dynamics of diffractive dissociation (2021)
Journal Article
Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2021). Dynamics of diffractive dissociation. The European Physical Journal C, 81(2), Article 175.

We describe a QCD based model which incorporates the main properties of the inclusive particle distributions expected for diffractive processes, including the diffractive dissociation at high energies. We study, in turn, the total cross section, σtot... Read More about Dynamics of diffractive dissociation.

A new approach to modelling elastic and inelastic photon-initiated production at the LHC: SuperChic 4 (2020)
Journal Article
Harland-Lang, L., Tasevsky, M., Khoze, V., & Ryskin, M. (2020). A new approach to modelling elastic and inelastic photon-initiated production at the LHC: SuperChic 4. The European Physical Journal C, 80(10), Article 925.

We present the results of the new SuperChic 4 Monte Carlo implementation of photon-initiated production in proton–proton collisions, considering as a first example the case of lepton pair production. This is based on the structure function calculatio... Read More about A new approach to modelling elastic and inelastic photon-initiated production at the LHC: SuperChic 4.

Isolating the Odderon in central production in high energy pA and AA collisions (2020)
Journal Article
McNulty, R., Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2020). Isolating the Odderon in central production in high energy pA and AA collisions. The European Physical Journal C, 80(3), Article 80.

We study the rapidity dependence of the central exclusive production cross sections of C-even mesons in pA and AA collisions, where A is a heavy ion. We observe qualitatively different behaviour of the contributions arising from γ-Odderon and Pomeron... Read More about Isolating the Odderon in central production in high energy pA and AA collisions.

Bethe phase including proton excitations (2020)
Journal Article
Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2020). Bethe phase including proton excitations. Physical Review D, 101(1), Article 016018.

We evaluate the contribution of inelastic intermediate states (such as p → N excitations) to the phase between the one-photon-exchange and the “nuclear” high energy pp scattering amplitudes as t → 0, caused by multiphoton diagrams. It turns out to be... Read More about Bethe phase including proton excitations.

Colliding Pomerons (2019)
Journal Article
Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2019). Colliding Pomerons. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 46(11), Article 11LT01.

We recall the main properties of inclusive particle distributions expected for Pomeron-proton and Pomeron–Pomeron interactions. Due to the small size of the Pomeron we expect larger transverse momenta of secondaries and a smaller probability of multi... Read More about Colliding Pomerons.

The fusion of hard and soft Pomerons: 3-jet diffractive production (2019)
Journal Article
Khoze, V., Martin, A., Ryskin, M., Shuvaev, A., & Surnin, I. (2019). The fusion of hard and soft Pomerons: 3-jet diffractive production. The European Physical Journal C, 79(7), Article 605.

We consider the central exclusive production of high E_T jets pp\rightarrow p+(X+\mathrm{dijet})+p. In particular we study the possible contamination of the purely exclusive signal by semi-exclusive production where no other secondaries are emitted i... Read More about The fusion of hard and soft Pomerons: 3-jet diffractive production.