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A new approach to modelling elastic and inelastic photon-initiated production at the LHC: SuperChic 4 (2020)
Journal Article
Harland-Lang, L., Tasevsky, M., Khoze, V., & Ryskin, M. (2020). A new approach to modelling elastic and inelastic photon-initiated production at the LHC: SuperChic 4. The European Physical Journal C, 80(10), Article 925.

We present the results of the new SuperChic 4 Monte Carlo implementation of photon-initiated production in proton–proton collisions, considering as a first example the case of lepton pair production. This is based on the structure function calculatio... Read More about A new approach to modelling elastic and inelastic photon-initiated production at the LHC: SuperChic 4.

Isolating the Odderon in central production in high energy pA and AA collisions (2020)
Journal Article
McNulty, R., Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2020). Isolating the Odderon in central production in high energy pA and AA collisions. The European Physical Journal C, 80(3), Article 80.

We study the rapidity dependence of the central exclusive production cross sections of C-even mesons in pA and AA collisions, where A is a heavy ion. We observe qualitatively different behaviour of the contributions arising from γ-Odderon and Pomeron... Read More about Isolating the Odderon in central production in high energy pA and AA collisions.

Bethe phase including proton excitations (2020)
Journal Article
Khoze, V., Martin, A., & Ryskin, M. (2020). Bethe phase including proton excitations. Physical Review D, 101(1), Article 016018.

We evaluate the contribution of inelastic intermediate states (such as p → N excitations) to the phase between the one-photon-exchange and the “nuclear” high energy pp scattering amplitudes as t → 0, caused by multiphoton diagrams. It turns out to be... Read More about Bethe phase including proton excitations.