Interference radiative phenomena in the production of heavy unstable particles
Journal Article
Fadin, V., Khoze, V., & Martin, A. (1994). Interference radiative phenomena in the production of heavy unstable particles. Physical Review D, Particles and fields, 49, 2247-2256.
Outputs (8)
Three-jet final states and measuring the γγ width of the Higgs boson at a photon linear collider (1994)
Journal Article
Borden, D., Khoze, V., Stirling, W., & Ohnemus, J. (1994). Three-jet final states and measuring the γγ width of the Higgs boson at a photon linear collider. Physical Review D, Particles and fields, 50, 4499-4507.
Soft gluon radiation in hadronic tt¯ production (1994)
Journal Article
Khoze, V., Ohnemus, J., & Stirling, W. (1994). Soft gluon radiation in hadronic tt¯ production. Physical Review D, Particles and fields, 49, 1237-1245.
Gluon radiation and energy losses in top quark production (1994)
Journal Article
Dokshitzer, Y. L., Khoze, V., & Stirling, W. (1994). Gluon radiation and energy losses in top quark production. Nuclear Physics B, 428, 3-18
How suppressed are the radiative interference effects in heavy unstable particle production? (1994)
Journal Article
Fadin, V., Khoze, V., & Martin, A. (1994). How suppressed are the radiative interference effects in heavy unstable particle production?. Physics Letters B, 320, 141-144.
Colour correlations and multiplicities in top events (1994)
Journal Article
Khoze, V. A., & Sjöstrand, T. (1994). Colour correlations and multiplicities in top events. Physics Letters B, 328, 466-476.
Does the W mass reconstruction survive QCD effects\? (1994)
Journal Article
Sjöstrand, T., & Khoze, V. A. (1994). Does the W mass reconstruction survive QCD effects\?. Physical Review Letters, 72, 28-31.
QCD Physics at LEP 2 (1994)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Khoze, V. (1994, December). QCD Physics at LEP 2