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Outputs (58)

Interactions in intersecting brane models (2003)
Journal Article
Abel, S., & Owen, A. (2003). Interactions in intersecting brane models. Nuclear Physics B, 663(1-2), 197-214.

We discuss tree level three and four point scattering amplitudes in type II string models with matter fields localized at the intersections of D-brane wrapping cycles. Using conformal field theory techniques we calculate the four fermion amplitudes.... Read More about Interactions in intersecting brane models.

Flavour changing neutral currents in intersecting brane models (2003)
Journal Article
Abel, S., Jose, S., & Manuel, M. (2003). Flavour changing neutral currents in intersecting brane models. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2003(04),

Intersecting D-brane models provide an attractive explanation of family replication in the context of string theory. We show, however, that the localization of fermion families at different brane intersections in the extra dimensions introduces flavo... Read More about Flavour changing neutral currents in intersecting brane models.

Additional stringy sources for electric dipole moments. (2002)
Journal Article
Abel, S., Khalil, S., & Lebedev, O. (2002). Additional stringy sources for electric dipole moments. Physical Review Letters, 89(12-16),

We show that string models with low energy supersymmetry which accommodate the fermion mass hierarchy generally give non-universal soft trilinear couplings (A-terms). In conjunction with the apparently large Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) phase, thi... Read More about Additional stringy sources for electric dipole moments..

EDM constraints in supersymmetric theories (2001)
Journal Article
Abel, S., Khalil, S., & Lebedev, O. (2001). EDM constraints in supersymmetric theories. Nuclear Physics B, 606(1-2), 151-182.

We systematically analyze constraints on supersymmetric theories imposed by the experimental bounds on the electron, neutron, and mercury electric dipole moments. We critically reappraise the known mechanisms to suppress the EDMs and conclude that on... Read More about EDM constraints in supersymmetric theories.

Soft susy breaking, dilaton domination and intermediate scale string models (2000)
Journal Article
Abel, S., Allanach, B., Quevedo, F., Ibáñez, L., & Klein, M. (2000). Soft susy breaking, dilaton domination and intermediate scale string models. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2000(12),

We present an analysis of the low-energy implications of an intermediate scale ~10^{11} GeV string theory. We mainly focus on the evolution of the physical parameters under the renormalisation group equations (RGEs) and find several interesting new f... Read More about Soft susy breaking, dilaton domination and intermediate scale string models.