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Galaxy Formation: a Bayesian Uncertainty Analysis (2010)
Journal Article
Vernon, I., Goldstein, M., & Bower, R. G. (2010). Galaxy Formation: a Bayesian Uncertainty Analysis. Bayesian Analysis, 05(04), 619-670.

In many scientific disciplines complex computer models are used to understand the behaviour of large scale physical systems. An uncertainty anal- ysis of such a computer model known as Galform is presented. Galform models the creation and evolution o... Read More about Galaxy Formation: a Bayesian Uncertainty Analysis.

The Parameter Space of Galaxy Formation (2010)
Journal Article
Bower, R., Vernon, I., Goldstein, M., Benson, A., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., …Frenk, C. (2010). The Parameter Space of Galaxy Formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 407(4), 2017-2045.

Semi-analytic models are a powerful tool for studying the formation of galaxies. However, these models inevitably involve a significant number of poorly constrained parameters that must be adjusted to provide an acceptable match to the observed Unive... Read More about The Parameter Space of Galaxy Formation.