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Outputs (2)

Towards a landscape scale management of pesticides: ERA using changes in modelled occupancy and abundance to assess long-term population impacts of pesticides (2015)
Journal Article
Topping, C. J., Craig, P. S., de Jong, F., Klein, M., Laskowski, R., Manachini, B., …van der Linden, T. (2015). Towards a landscape scale management of pesticides: ERA using changes in modelled occupancy and abundance to assess long-term population impacts of pesticides. Science of the Total Environment, 537, 159-169.

Pesticides are regulated in Europe and this process includes an environmental risk assessment (ERA) for non-target arthropods (NTA). Traditionally a non-spatial or field trial assessment is used. In this study we exemplify the introduction of a spati... Read More about Towards a landscape scale management of pesticides: ERA using changes in modelled occupancy and abundance to assess long-term population impacts of pesticides.

Scientific Opinion addressing the state of the science on risk assessment of plant protection products for non-target arthropods (2015)
Journal Article
Aagaard, A., Brock, T., Capri, E., Duquesne, S., Filipic, M., Hernandez-Jerez, A., …Streissl, F. (2015). Scientific Opinion addressing the state of the science on risk assessment of plant protection products for non-target arthropods. EFSA Journal, 13(2), Article 3996.

Following a request from the European Food Safety Authority, the Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues developed an opinion on the science to support the development of a risk assessment scheme of plant protection products for non-tar... Read More about Scientific Opinion addressing the state of the science on risk assessment of plant protection products for non-target arthropods.