Sensitivity of decisions with imprecise utility trade-off
parameters using boundary linear utility
Journal Article
parameters using boundary linear utility. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning: Uncertainty in Intelligent Systems, 51,
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Bayesian linear inspection planning for large-scale physical systems (2010)
Journal Article
Randell, D., Goldstein, M., Hardman, G., & Jonathan, P. (2010). Bayesian linear inspection planning for large-scale physical systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 224(4), 333-345.
Galaxy Formation: a Bayesian Uncertainty Analysis (2010)
Journal Article
Vernon, I., Goldstein, M., & Bower, R. G. (2010). Galaxy Formation: a Bayesian Uncertainty Analysis. Bayesian Analysis, 05(04), 619-670. many scientific disciplines complex computer models are used to understand the behaviour of large scale physical systems. An uncertainty anal- ysis of such a computer model known as Galform is presented. Galform models the creation and evolution o... Read More about Galaxy Formation: a Bayesian Uncertainty Analysis.