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Outputs (53)

Holographic meson decays via worldsheet instantons (2018)
Journal Article
Peeters, K., Matuszewski, M., & Zamaklar, M. (2018). Holographic meson decays via worldsheet instantons. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018(6), Article 83.

We study meson decays using instanton methods in two string models. The first model is the old string model in flat space which combines strings and massive particles and the second is the holographic, Sakai-Sugimoto model. Using the old string model... Read More about Holographic meson decays via worldsheet instantons.

Signals of a new phase in N=2 gauge theory with a magnetic field on the three-sphere (2014)
Journal Article
Suphakorn, C., Peeters, K., Vanichchapongjaroen, P., & Zamaklar, M. (2014). Signals of a new phase in N=2 gauge theory with a magnetic field on the three-sphere. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014(9), Article 58.

We study the effect of a magnetic field on N = 2 super-Yang-Mills on S 3 at strong coupling using the gauge/gravity correspondence. As in previous work that dealt with the theory in infinite volume, we find that increasing the magnetic field pushes t... Read More about Signals of a new phase in N=2 gauge theory with a magnetic field on the three-sphere.

Instability of N=2 gauge theory in compact space with an isospin chemical potential (2013)
Journal Article
Chunlen, S., Peeters, K., Vanichchapongjaroen, P., & Zamaklar, M. (2013). Instability of N=2 gauge theory in compact space with an isospin chemical potential. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013(1), Article 35.

We investigate N=2 super-Yang-Mills theory on a three sphere in the presence of an isospin chemical potential at strong coupling using the AdS/CFT correspondence. This system exhibits an instability for sufficiently large values of the chemical poten... Read More about Instability of N=2 gauge theory in compact space with an isospin chemical potential.

A non-homogeneous vacuum in a holographic model for large-N QCD (2012)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ballon-Bayona, C. A., Peeters, K., & Zamaklar, M. (2012, December). A non-homogeneous vacuum in a holographic model for large-N QCD. Presented at 6th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics, Palaiseau, France

A chiral magnetic spiral in the holographic Sakai-Sugimoto model (2012)
Journal Article
Ballon Bayona, A., Peeters, K., & Zamaklar, M. (2012). A chiral magnetic spiral in the holographic Sakai-Sugimoto model. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012(11), Article 164.

We investigate the effect of a magnetic field on the vacuum of low-temperature QCD at large-N c in the presence of a chiral chemical potential, using the holographic SakaiSugimoto model. Above some critical chemical potential we find an instability,... Read More about A chiral magnetic spiral in the holographic Sakai-Sugimoto model.

A Non-homogeneous ground state of the low-temperature Sakai-Sugimoto model (2011)
Journal Article
Ballon Bayona, C., Peeters, K., & Zamaklar, M. (2011). A Non-homogeneous ground state of the low-temperature Sakai-Sugimoto model. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(6), Article 92.

We study the instability of the low-temperature QCD vacuum at large-N c due to an axial chemical potential, using the holographic Sakai-Sugimoto model. We explicitly construct the ground state of the theory, which corresponds to a translationally non... Read More about A Non-homogeneous ground state of the low-temperature Sakai-Sugimoto model.

Finite-size effects for jet quenching (2010)
Journal Article
Chunlen, S., Peeters, K., & Zamaklar, M. (online). Finite-size effects for jet quenching. Journal of High Energy Physics,

We study corrections to the drag force exerted on a quark moving through a quark-gluon plasma of finite extent, using holographic methods. Interestingly we find that the leading correction is negative, i.e. it reduces the magnitude of the drag force... Read More about Finite-size effects for jet quenching.