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Outputs (51)

Modular Dynamic Emulation and Internal Model Discrepancy for a Rainfall Runoff Model (2010)
Vernon, I., Seheult, A., & Goldstein, M. (2010). Modular Dynamic Emulation and Internal Model Discrepancy for a Rainfall Runoff Model. MUCM

We construct a simple modular dynamic emulator for a rainfall runoff model. We investigate the accuracy of such an emulator and discuss the difficulties of such an approach. The emulator is used to investigate the effects of certain internal uncertai... Read More about Modular Dynamic Emulation and Internal Model Discrepancy for a Rainfall Runoff Model.

The Parameter Space of Galaxy Formation (2010)
Journal Article
Bower, R., Vernon, I., Goldstein, M., Benson, A., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., …Frenk, C. (2010). The Parameter Space of Galaxy Formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 407(4), 2017-2045.

Semi-analytic models are a powerful tool for studying the formation of galaxies. However, these models inevitably involve a significant number of poorly constrained parameters that must be adjusted to provide an acceptable match to the observed Unive... Read More about The Parameter Space of Galaxy Formation.

Exchangeable Computer Models (2009)
House, L., Goldstein, M., & Vernon, I. (2009). Exchangeable Computer Models. MUCM

Analysts often use deterministic computer models to predict the behavior of com- plex physical systems when observational data are limited. However, inferences based partially or entirely on simulated data require adequate assessments of model uncer-... Read More about Exchangeable Computer Models.

Bayes Linear Analysis of Imprecision in Computer Models, with Application to Understanding Galaxy Formation (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Vernon, I. R., & Goldstein, M. (2009, July). Bayes Linear Analysis of Imprecision in Computer Models, with Application to Understanding Galaxy Formation. Presented at Sixth International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (ISIPTA'09), Durham University

Imprecision arises naturally in the context of computer models and their relation to reality. An imprecise treatment of general computer models is presented, illustrated with an analysis of a complex galaxy formation simulation known as Galform. The... Read More about Bayes Linear Analysis of Imprecision in Computer Models, with Application to Understanding Galaxy Formation.

Graviton Emission into Non-Z_2 Symmetric Brane World Spacetimes (2005)
Journal Article
Vernon, I. R., & Jennings, D. (2005). Graviton Emission into Non-Z_2 Symmetric Brane World Spacetimes. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 07,

The equations for the evolution of a homogeneous brane world that emits gravitons at early times, and into a non-Z_2 symmetric bulk, are derived using an AdS-Vaidya spacetime approximation. The behaviour of the black hole mass parameters either side... Read More about Graviton Emission into Non-Z_2 Symmetric Brane World Spacetimes.

Bulk black holes radiating in non-Z_2 brane-world spacetimes (2005)
Journal Article
Jennings, D., Vernon, I. R., Davis, A., & van de Bruck, C. (2005). Bulk black holes radiating in non-Z_2 brane-world spacetimes. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2005(04), Article 013.

In this paper we present a general asymmetric brane model involving arbitrary energy transport to and from an embedded 4-D FRW universe. We derive a locally defined mass function for the 5D spacetime and describe its time evolution on the brane. We t... Read More about Bulk black holes radiating in non-Z_2 brane-world spacetimes.

Brane World Cosmology Without the Z_2 Symmetry (2001)
Journal Article
Davis, A., Vernon, I., Davis, S. C., & Perkins, W. B. (2001). Brane World Cosmology Without the Z_2 Symmetry. Physics Letters B, 504(3), 254-261.

The Friedmann equation for a positive tension brane situated between two bulk spacetimes that posses the same 5D cosmological constant, but which does not posses a Z2 symmetry of the metric itself is derived, and the possible effects of dropping the... Read More about Brane World Cosmology Without the Z_2 Symmetry.